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Topic: elogind directly quits with 1, no error log. (Read 202 times) previous topic - next topic
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elogind directly quits with 1, no error log.


I'm using runit and noticed this boot, that elogind exits with 1 directly after being started. There is no error message on stderr/stdout nor in syslog.

Code: [Select]
# cd /run/runit/service/logind
# cat run
#!/bin/sh -e
sv start dbus >/dev/null
exec /usr/lib/elogind/elogind
# strace -e x=all -o elogind.str.txt /usr/lib/elogind/elogind
# echo $?
(dbus is running.)
The strace log is attached. It does communicate alot before quitting, so I cannot see anything interesting in it. For privacy reasons I used -e x=all. Tell me, if you need to see the data in the syscall arguments.

I think I saw this behaviour a couple times already, but not every boot.
The other posts about elogind on this board seem unrelated.

Can someone here figure it out, or should I try reporting upstream?