Nouveau dual monitor help 01 December 2023, 15:04:03 I have been trying to sort out an issue with a dual monitor setup using the nouveau driver with no success. Currently running Plasma/Open-RC with nvidia's proprietary driver(nvidia nvidia-utils) removed(sudo pacman -Rs). Nouveau displays 1 of the 2 monitors correctly with the 2nds desktop being active but displayed with an error. The screen artifacts across the top with the rest displayed black when I move the cursor or any windows over to it. Both connections are display port and the card is a 10 series. Additionally I tried another distro(MX) to rule out a hardware(GPU or Input Method) issue with nouveau. Both monitors worked fine out of the box. I am certainly out my depths and would greatly appreciate any help.Thanks Last Edit: 01 December 2023, 15:43:13 by Bnn87