I really am a total noob when it comes to things like this. I am using artix runit linux. Xfce.
I've set up arch and artix systems in the past, usually the NetworkManager part is just installing a few packages, starting a service, and it'll just work, but I can't get it to work. I don't know what to do. I've checked the config files and the service files, I've rebooted, restarted the service, went through every step of tutorials I found, I keep getting the error:
NetworkManager not running
No matter what I do. This is probably easy to solve, but I don't know how.
dyntif-rogstrixg513ieg513ie:[root]:/home/dyntif# ln -s /etc/runit/sv/NetworkManager/ /run/runit/service
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/run/runit/service/NetworkManager': File exists
dyntif-rogstrixg513ieg513ie:[root]:/home/dyntif# sv up NetworkManager
dyntif-rogstrixg513ieg513ie:[root]:/home/dyntif# nmcli
Error: NetworkManager is not running.
dyntif-rogstrixg513ieg513ie:[root]:/home/dyntif# sv status NetworkManager
down: NetworkManager: 1s, normally up, want up