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Topic: [Solved] Boot Fails on early-root-rw (Read 805 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Solved] Boot Fails on early-root-rw


Background: Clean install (from base) cannot boot. Using rEFInd and an f2fs root partition.
Problem: On boot the service fails with exit code 32. For reference, after failure, the following services exit with code 1: random-seed, After this, boot fails with already started services stopping and other services failing.

As far as I can tell, that service remounts root as rw. My minimal boot option in refind is "root=<partition> rw". I have tried some other options, including ro and rootfstype=f2fs, all of which failed. The former worked on the previous configuration of dinit (before the recent update), but not on the current. Does anybody have an idea what I may be missing?

Re: Boot Fails on early-root-rw

Reply #1
What's your full /proc/cmdline?

If you downgrade to dinit-0.18.0-4 through an Artix live ISO and chrooting to your root partition (should still exist in your /var/cache/pacman if you don't run pacman -Sc), does the issue still happen?

Also, since you're mentioning F2FS, are you using an ARM system? Possibly related
now only the dinit guy in artix

Re: Boot Fails on early-root-rw

Reply #2
I am not using an ARM system. However, if I set "ro" in my refind boot options, then I have the error that is indicated in the linked thread (service root-ro command failed with exit code 32).

My proc/cmdline reads,
Code: [Select]
root=<root partition> rw add_efi_memmap rootflags=atgc rootfstype=f2fs initrd=\initramfs-linux.img

Downgrading to version 0.18.0-4 has no change.

Re: Boot Fails on early-root-rw

Reply #3
Then I can safely say this is probably unrelated to dinit (and Artix dinit implementation), unfortunately I can't reproduce it yet since I don't use f2fs.

Have you tried fsck-ing it from another system (or mounting it from another system)?
now only the dinit guy in artix

Re: Boot Fails on early-root-rw

Reply #4
Before the recent updates to dinit/dinit-rc the system worked okay. I first experienced the error (here), then later experienced the present error. So I shall not rule it out at present. I shall investigate further and report any findings.

Re: Boot Fails on early-root-rw

Reply #5
Before the recent updates to dinit/dinit-rc the system worked okay.

If it works before the dinit/dinit-rc update and they are truly the cause, then I believe downgrading the packages should've fixed it.

The keyboard error was an oversight on my part, but the only recent change on dinit-rc is tmpfiles-related and obsolete services removal, and the only recent change for dinit is kernel parameters fix, solving this problem.

Either way, I'll take a look later, but so far I can't reproduce it on my systems (all ext4).
now only the dinit guy in artix

Re: Boot Fails on early-root-rw

Reply #6
After some additional reading, I found the problem (as listed here). When mounting an f2fs system, the flush_merge option has been causing trouble since kernel 6.2. For the time being, the solution is to remove that option from the fstab.

You were correct in saying that my problem was unrelated to dinit. It does puzzle me somewhat, though; I had been on the most recent kernel all the while without any problems, however, only after recent updates did I have problems occur (previous set up had been the same --- with an initial dinit install from two years ago). I always had rw as a parameter, so perhaps that may be why it worked until now, but I am not sure (seems to have been the case for some people in the linked thread).

Thank you for the assistance. It is much appreciated!

Re: [Solved] Boot Fails on early-root-rw

Reply #7
@konimex Excuse for the semiofftopic, but i got this error also on a correct fsck repair on ext4, requiring another reboot to start.

Re: [Solved] Boot Fails on early-root-rw

Reply #8
After some additional reading, I found the problem (as listed here). When mounting an f2fs system, the flush_merge option has been causing trouble since kernel 6.2. For the time being, the solution is to remove that option from the fstab.

You were correct in saying that my problem was unrelated to dinit. It does puzzle me somewhat, though; I had been on the most recent kernel all the while without any problems, however, only after recent updates did I have problems occur (previous set up had been the same --- with an initial dinit install from two years ago). I always had rw as a parameter, so perhaps that may be why it worked until now, but I am not sure (seems to have been the case for some people in the linked thread).

Thank you for the assistance. It is much appreciated!

Say, was there also a recent kernel update along with the dinit update? Kernel issues can be finicky.

@konimex Excuse for the semiofftopic, but i got this error also on a correct fsck repair on ext4, requiring another reboot to start.

Any logs/screenshots? Also just open a new topic/split this thread off.
now only the dinit guy in artix


Re: [Solved] Boot Fails on early-root-rw

Reply #9
Say, was there also a recent kernel update along with the dinit update? Kernel issues can be finicky.

Yes, the kernel updated at the same time. Oversight on my part for not looking to the kernel as the source of the fault.