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Topic: Full Disk Encryption Help (Read 323 times) previous topic - next topic
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Full Disk Encryption Help

I have previously installed Arch, Artix with OpenRC, and even Artix with Runit. However, I have tried numerous times to install Artix Runit with full disk encryption but every time I enter the passphraseit repeats the same error message every time,
I even checked the Grub file and this line is in it, too! Then it enters Grub recovery, but when I install the same system without the encryption it works perfectly which is how I am typing this. How is this happening, is it a bug in Grub, is it due to a Grub compatibility issue (possibly with Luks2 which I am not sure if I am using), or is it just a problem with the passphrase itself? I program in C, BASH, Rust, and Python so I rewrote it without any characters that I would think would have issues but it still gives the same error. For example, an escape character could cause a change to the string, or '' which denotes a string, what is the cause of this?


Re: Full Disk Encryption Help

Reply #2
I'm currently typing this on Artix with runit with full disk encryption. It is possible.

How are you doing full disk encryption? And how have you set up your partitions?

What do your:

  • /etc/default/grub
  • /etc/fstab
  • mkinitcpio hooks (HOOKS= line on /etc/mkinitcpio.conf)

look like?

Edit: Also if that's a kernel param passed to grub, it should be

Code: [Select]
cryptdevice=UUID=uuidhere:root root=/dev/mapper/root

(or replace the first and last root with whatever you want to name it)

Edit 2: Also do you have the

Code: [Select]

option in your grub config?