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Topic: device-mapper log file error on boot (Read 364 times) previous topic - next topic
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device-mapper log file error on boot

While writing dinit instructions for this wiki article, I decided to test them out in a virtual machine. Everything went alright, but at boot I get this error message:
Code: [Select]
dinit: dmeventd: execution failed - opening log file: Read-only file system
[FAILED] dmeventd
Everything works normally after that.
Looking the message up, I found this, this and this. From what I've gathered, it looks like the service file for device-mapper-dinit should be modified to include "log-type = buffer"?

Some info, just in case:
This happens on a clean, base installation of Artix. lvm2 is not required in order to reproduce
dinit version:  0.18.0-5
dinit-rc version: 0.4.7-1
I can post more logs if needed

Re: device-mapper log file error on boot

Reply #1
Fixed in device-mapper-dinit-20211029-4. Apologies for the late reply.
now only the dinit guy in artix


Re: device-mapper log file error on boot

Reply #2
it looks like the service file for device-mapper-dinit should be modified to include "log-type = buffer"?

Just to clear up any confusion regarding this:

  • this problem is often caused by the filesystem still being read-only when the service starts
  • often this means there is a dependency missing - the service should be configured not to start until the filesystem has been mounted read+write
  • Using log-type = buffer is only a workaround for this problem. It is really only meant for services that need to start before the filesystem can be mounted read+write. It will cause the service to consume memory in the dinit process, and does not provide unlimited nor persistent logging. It can be used also for services where persistent logging isn't really needed and especially when no output is usually expected.