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Topic: Upgrading libpcap package (Read 298 times) previous topic - next topic
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Upgrading libpcap package

I went to update my system this morning, but when i ran Sudo pacman -Syu, this error popped up.
Ive tried removing the dependency, ive tried -Syyu and -Syuu

error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing libpcap (1.10.5-2) breaks dependency 'libpcap=1.10.4' required by lib32-libpcap

Is there a way i can skip that package when i try to update? is there a way i can just update that package?

Re: Upgrading libpcap package

Reply #1
lib32-libpcap has been also updated, wait for your mirror to sync. In the future, you can bypass holdups from [lib32] as follows, but in general it's better to just wait a little:
Code: [Select]
# pacman -Sdd --asdeps libpcap; pacman -Su


Re: Upgrading libpcap package

Reply #2
Thank you so much for replying. I ended up just removing libpcap forcefully and then reinstalling the newer version, but i will remember that for the future!