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Topic: KDE Plasma Wayland Session not launching under SDDM (Dinit) (Read 234 times) previous topic - next topic
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KDE Plasma Wayland Session not launching under SDDM (Dinit)

Similar issue to this one from a few years ago.
This time, however, my /etc/environment file is completely empty. I am using Dinit and running the nested session command
Code: [Select]
XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland dbus-run-session startplasma-wayland
or launching SDDM under X11 seems to work perfectly fine. As soon as enter is pressed after inputting the password in SDDM with the Wayland session selected, the cursor disappears and the screen seems unresponsive but stopping the process and going back into SDDM with ctrl+alt+F6 works. The screen does not turn to black after this error. I can't seem to find any logs showing errors from SDDM or any asked in here. Anything important I'm missing like a package or config? Also using an AMD CPU and GPU if that's relevant. Thanks in advance!

Re: KDE Plasma Wayland Session not launching under SDDM (Dinit)

Reply #1
You should look into how SDDM runs as rootless, for some strange reason, SDDM has a lot of problems with switch VTs on Arch/Artix if it doesn't have the proper permissions, so if you've installed from from a DE ISO, make sure you have VT1 free for SDDM to pick up, because for some sad reason they've removed the ability to specify which VT to run SDDM at. The current options works as your "wish" that will never come true ;/. For example, I had a lot of problems running rootless xorg and I had to remove agetty from the VT1, then SDDM can pick it up without switching VT. I think that as wayland doesn't run as root (At least I think so) then that's the similar problem.

Re: KDE Plasma Wayland Session not launching under SDDM (Dinit)

Reply #2
You should look into how SDDM runs as rootless, for some strange reason, SDDM has a lot of problems with switch VTs on Arch/Artix if it doesn't have the proper permissions, so if you've installed from from a DE ISO, make sure you have VT1 free for SDDM to pick up, because for some sad reason they've removed the ability to specify which VT to run SDDM at. The current options works as your "wish" that will never come true ;/. For example, I had a lot of problems running rootless xorg and I had to remove agetty from the VT1, then SDDM can pick it up without switching VT. I think that as wayland doesn't run as root (At least I think so) then that's the similar problem.
Actually I had more problems with the DE ISOs (don't really know if it could handle a 4tb SSD), so I installed from base but now that you mention VTs, the SDDM log did mention changing at different times:
Code: [Select]
[20:21:13.118] (II) HELPER: Jumping to VT 8
[20:21:13.119] (II) HELPER: VT mode didn't need to be fixed
if this means anything, anyway. I'll see what I can do with VT1...


Re: KDE Plasma Wayland Session not launching under SDDM (Dinit)

Reply #3
Come to find, I did a stupid noob mistake, I enabled it as a dinitctl process and the wayland session launched. I am not used to this stuff from Arch but a learning experience is always welcome; marking as solved. Thank you for your help @Shoun2137 !