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Arch Linux systemd --> openrc

This topic should be in Arch forum, but Artix has the knowledge. I have no experience except once converting Debian systemd with SysV

I am experimenting with Arch Linux to convert systemd to openrc. The packages are in AUR. This what I did, getting error at boot "No inittab file found" and asking for runlevel. Some packages or configs are missing.

yay -S elogind
1) elogind
1) dbus-x11
remove dbus (y)

sudo pacman -R base
yay -S openrc
1) openrc
remove systemd-sysvcompt (y)

Will this work in Arch Linux with the AUR packages what Arch has?

Re: Arch Linux systemd --> openrc

Reply #1

Will this work in Arch Linux with the AUR packages what Arch has?

Yes and no.
You would get a most probably unstable system.

If you convertan arch linux, you got to replace every single installed package with the artix equivalent(minus any desktop).

If you just install the base package, it will not replace arch packages with artix packages, because these packages have identical version number, ie your arch packages would remain installed.

The problem is not getting openrc installed, but the countless packages that are not openrc related, which have some systemd build flag disabled on artix.

Overall, it is possible to convert arch, but I would recommend a fresh install instead, we do not officially support a conversion.

Re: Arch Linux systemd --> openrc

Reply #2
Thanks for reply. I am more curious to know if it will work or not. Good, the possibility is there. Not to get apps mixed with systemd, are there a way how to block without modifying packages....... in Debian /etc/apt/

Package: systemd
Pin: release *
Pin-Priority: -1

Re: Arch Linux systemd --> openrc

Reply #3
If you want to migrate from Arch to Artix then read here:
If you want to use OpenRC in Arch but don't mind leaving the systemd package in place to satisfy dependencies:
If you intend to use Arch but only with OpenRC, this would be time consuming, you might get some info here:
In the early days of Arch OpenRC there were many fewer packages in the repo (which still exists) so you might get an idea of what you would need to rebuild without systemd deps, you would not need everything, just what you had installed. But since then there have also been several changes in the OpenRC setup like elogind.
But in any practical sense (other than an interesting project) if you do a base install of Artix then that will give you much the same starting point as if you installed Arch, except without systemd.
pacman can do what apt can but better and faster, also perhaps look at AUR helpers. (The AUR is giving 503 - Service Unavailable on both regular and tuna sites right now btw   ;D )

Re: Arch Linux systemd --> openrc

Reply #4
Thanks for links. This experiment became short when noticing several dependency AUR packages were not installed, as per my OP. In other words, elogind and openrc are not maintained.

I will check your posted link

Re: Arch Linux systemd --> openrc

Reply #5
Artix PKGBUILDS are here:
look in packagesA - Z
You could use things from here if there was no up to date AUR package.
Code: [Select]
$ git clone
$ mkdir elogind-build
$ cp elogind/repos/core-x86_64/* elogind-build/
$ cd elogind-build/
$ makepkg -si
(Sometimes there are more files than just a PKGBUILD, and you don't have to copy it but perhaps you might want to modify things and have a few goes.)
yaourtix could automate this if you preferred, look in packagesY naturally.

Re: Arch Linux systemd --> openrc

Reply #6
With your posted link, I managed to convert Arch to openrc. With few tweaks, -Rdd and correction of repo links, though couldn't install polkit-consolokit due to js17 dependency, my system runs now in lxqt desktop. Good learning to know sequence of the process.

I will take a look at the PKGBUILDs

EDIT: Impressive amount of work, which started in 2012 as an openrc discussion in Arch forum.

Re: Arch Linux systemd --> openrc

Reply #7
Uninstall anything consolekit, we don't use consolekit, replace it with artix polkit compiled against elogind, or else your polkit will not work properly.

Re: Arch Linux systemd --> openrc

Reply #8
Uninstall anything consolekit, we don't use consolekit, replace it with artix polkit compiled against elogind, or else your polkit will not work properly.

Is that all that polkit is used for at this point?

Re: Arch Linux systemd --> openrc

Reply #9
Small questions...
With Arch install, I git clone elogind and openrc from artixlinux. All went well including dependency packages. Additionally clone artix polkit. No other configs or installs were done. In reboot could not find /sbin/init. The symlink to openrc-init was missing. Added manually, all went fine.

1) What package supposed to create this symlink? In Artix install its there.
2) Package base is depended on systemd, do I need to reinstall base from Artix?
3) What package shutdown, reboot, etc?

Re: Arch Linux systemd --> openrc

Reply #10

1) What package supposed to create this symlink? In Artix install its there.
2) Package base is depended on systemd, do I need to reinstall base from Artix?
3) What package shutdown, reboot, etc?

1. & 2. Artix base package
3. openrc and elogind(via loginctl)

As said, you need to replace basically lots of arch core repo packages with artix sysem repo packages.
Eg procps-ng is built against libelogind, it is not done just to replace systemd with openrc.

We won't be doing support for converted systems, or arch systems that use AUR openrc packages.

At some point in the future, any systemd blockers will be removed from our packages.

Re: Arch Linux systemd --> openrc

Reply #11
As said, you need to replace basically lots of arch core repo packages with artix sysem repo packages.
This I am also seeing, systemd dependency is everywhere. Got the idea why systemd "hate" is there.

There is an interesting thread in Arch forum, post #8... pacman to support alternatives

Re: Arch Linux systemd --> openrc

Reply #12
That is the reason we chose to make artix a distro, the AUR is insufficient, you can't alter core packages.
The symlink on artix is set by the base package, some of our packages in system deviate slightly from the arch core ones.
They are not made with arch in mind as in having systemd still installed.


Re: Arch Linux systemd --> openrc

Reply #13
@rasat If you're not afraid of rescue CDs and chroots, you can try to automagically convert your Arch to Artix with this all-powerful script.
It's been extensively and successfully tested on fresh Arch installs, but don't hold me responsible if your CPU melts down on this.