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Topic: NVIDIA GT 1030 NVIDIA 381 22 drivers (Read 3632 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: NVIDIA GT 1030 NVIDIA 381 22 drivers

Reply #15
"You are displaying an extremely patience trying attitude....and while you are supposedly requesting help from ppl who are willing to help, but owe you nothing in reality. I would suggest you adjust your attitude accordingly if you truly want help. Artix Linux is NOT garbage....grow up"
I am displaying an extremely patience trying attitude? LOL ok! But owe me nothing in reality? You owe your users a functioning distro, otherwise they won't be your users! Jack asses!! I managed to find header files for 4.9.41 which is the kernel version artix comes with & I encounter the exact same problem on all computers. The EXACT SAME ERROR.

"Who are you ranting on at seems like Mummy needs to change your dyper in a hurry. I did 3 installs in 2 days no problems, Just because you have a problem with install does not make it Artix is garbage does it get some manners.
If you really wanted help you would ask you have failed to ask just ranted on like a spoilt child.
Insulting other users is not going to get you very far is it
In fact if I were you I would call it a day and go seek a newbie distro. perhaps window is more for you."

You don't even read what I've wrote & now you're going to tell me I'm the newbie? You can't even make a functioning distro, that's not my fault. You don't even know how to fucking spell, learn some basic grammar & spelling before calling anyone a newbie you fucking retard.
Very nice comments I must say but the difference between you and me is Artix installs for me and not you as you obviously can't get your head around the net installer simple as that.
As for spelling NO I CAN'T FUCKING SPELL I'M FUCKING DYSLEXIC THANK YOU VERY MUCH, But I can install any Linux Distro.  So what's your excuse for a lack of reading ability  fucking  stupid or blind?
By don't bother coming back we really do not want users like you here anyway bye good luck with Devuan.

Re: NVIDIA GT 1030 NVIDIA 381 22 drivers

Reply #16
You sound very frustrated and appears to be clouding your messages.
Maybe try installing Artix Linux via the command line similar to how Archlinux is installed. It gives you a very controlled and a very detailed way to install the OS. Of course it means that you must be able to deal with the command line and do them correctly in order to succeed. I have always found GUI installers to be lacking in some regard while the command line approach always allows for a very customized setup exactly like one would like. I also have to use Nvidia's closed source driver to be able to use my system. Nouveau drivers do not support the latest Nvidia video cards since they are reversed engineered which takes a considerable amount of time. I was able to install Artix Linux using the nvidia-dkms with linux-lts and linux-lts-headers without any major issue. When I rebooted, I had a running openbox session and continued to configure everything. Please note that this distro is very new and will have bugs that will be corrected over time. All the possible configurations that exist makes this a longer process than we all wish for. A new ISO has been released and may address the issues you are having.


Re: NVIDIA GT 1030 NVIDIA 381 22 drivers

Reply #17
The last thing that we want to do here is being police or babysitters but I feel in the obligation of closing this topic. It is obvious that Artix is not a distro suitable for everyone and some amount of experience with Arch and other Linux systems is expected from the user or that the user has a good attitude and a strong willing to fail an learn until she succeeds, obviously this is not the case here.

No more waste of time and effort guys.