How to set up a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller in Artix OpenRC 12 April 2020, 21:31:04 Hi, I just wanted to share the solution to a problem that I've faced in the last couple days.Long story short, I love my Pro Controller and I wanted to use it to play with my Artix machine.I'm not a pro user, just a regular guy that wants to play some games, so please be kind if my solution is not elegant or if a similar result can be achieved doing something less sketchy.I looked for some tutorial on the internet and I found out this one: looks like you need a kernel module and userspace daemon to make everything work.Step one: download the kernel module at installed the module by doing sudo dkms install dkms.conf. For now everything is fine.Step two: download the joycond daemon at I followed the instructions on the page by doing cmake. and sudo make install.The last command creates a joycond.service file in the /etc/systemd/system/ folder.That file might as well be trashed. To make the daemon work you need to create a joycond file in your /etc/init.d/ folder, so what I did is sudo nano and edited the file like this:#!/sbin/openrc-rundepend() {need net}command="/usr/bin/joycond"pidfile="/run/${RC_SVCNAME}/pid"Of course I saved it as joycond.Now it's time to make the file executable with sudo chmod+x joycondAnd you are done! All you need to do now is to connect your controller via bluetooth (I do it using the Plasma tray) and launchsudo rc-service joycond start.Press LZ and RZ on your controller and the terminal will print a "Lone controller paired" message.That's it! Sorry for my poor english, hope this can help someone! 3 Likes
Re: How to set up a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller in Artix OpenRC Reply #1 – 12 April 2020, 23:04:46 Just wanted to say that this is interesting