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elogind vs base-devel


When I try install some libraries* from AUR (git clone, makepkg -sci) I need fakreoot and so on, but when I install base-devel it has elogind as dependency. I am on KDE runit. Any comment on this?


* To activate support for avif image compression (to be displayed in KDE via qt5-imageformats) you need two separate libraries in the following order (this instruction is missing in AUR packages description):

1. avif-git, ie:
2. qt-avif-image-plugin-git, ie:

In Firefox you need to activate the support via about:config and search for "avif" and set it to "true"

Re: elogind vs base-devel

Reply #1
It's possible for an AUR package to have a dependency on libsystemd, so libelogind is part of base-devel to remedy this. Systemd sort of implicit in any arch system and probably not always marked explicitly in the PKGBUILD.

Re: elogind vs base-devel

Reply #2
some PKGBUILD must be edited and 'systemd' or 'libsystemd' replace with 'eudev'.  Some projects have hardlinked systemd and can not be even build :-(  Some devs want not support another service manager besides systemd...

Re: elogind vs base-devel

Reply #3
The packages that I wanted to install from AUR have no systemd dependancy. 99% of them have no dependancy. I don't need elogind and all crap for 99% of packages. Majority of packages from AUR are broken or useless or have no proper documentation or have build instructions with a lot of missing options or everything is commented and does not work (you have to hunt their settings in etc, when you don't know where they are....). In the end, I have just like only 3x git clone (2 instances of software from AUR). None of these require systemd.

There must be a way to stop base-devel to pull down elogind and have clean system as default.
1. Is Now: base devel pulls down elogind
2. Expected: base devel is clean and does not pull down elogind
If any of the packages need systemd the user will then pull down elogind and all other crap he needs manually instead of it being forced with systemd in the face when (s)he installs the basic libaries. Out of the box it should be the other way: if the user wants to pollute his systm with whatever dummy or not systemd idiocracy (without documentation, binary logs,...) then installing ESSENTIAL libraries (to install software!) should not have them at all. This way its like promoting systemd. Since some idiot has it as dependancy lets give users systemd or dummy packages etc. Those dummy packages are promoting systemd. It will be endless strory of supporting and essentially building system with gazzillions of dummy packages and enforcing package builders to use systemd. "Since you have fake libraries, I cant be bothered to have a software that is independant, it will work" <----do not encourage such behavior! I don't like it.

Blast from the past:
Its like Rythmbox of GNOME 2 having zeitgiest hardcoded. Everything had hardcoded zietgiest. You could not play music or video because everything needed zietgiest. Uninstall zeitgeist and your package manager removes half of the GNOME 2 and you have broken system that you cannot log in.

Deja vu:
Why in the name of God do I need geoip, geoip2, geo-ip-city for every package. Linux based distros (or any other kernel) are not NSA projects so we don't need Andro ID (aka falsely named Android) behavior. But yet here we are. Arrrghhh!

Re: elogind vs base-devel

Reply #4
Arch have logind integrated in systemd.

The fact that one percent of users do not use Elogind does not mean that we will remove it. Without it, KDE or GNOME does not work.

If you are so bothered by it, recompile the packages without it, or make an empty elogind-fake package.

You cry well here, but in vain. 😄

Re: elogind vs base-devel

Reply #5
If I was a billionaire, I would take all the Debian coders (except those top paid by NSA, who forced systemd upon everyone without their consent*) and Arch coders (except those top paid by NSA, who forced systemd upon everyone without their consent) and made Debian and Arch without systemd whatsoever.

* Debian voting was fake. Just look at the questions and results. Manipulation all the way! Why didn't they ask: "do you want systemd""
a) yes
b) no

answer % yes.
answer % no.

Fake voting in Debian (2020 voting was fake too). Even if they did it pple on top could always tell us the result NSA want.

Re: elogind vs base-devel

Reply #6
👍 👍
Elogind is not evil like systemd 😉
Eudev = udev is part of systemd too, respectively was integrated to systemd....


Re: elogind vs base-devel

Reply #7
I really don't understand the purpose of this giant rant. If you don't want libelogind then just remove it. It's literally one library. The package has a valid reason to be a part of base-devel. Many packages in AUR have an implicit logind dependency (ex: cmus-git). Nobody is stopping you from not using elogind.