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Topic: weird behavior of favorites in the launcher (Read 566 times) previous topic - next topic
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weird behavior of favorites in the launcher

Hi, I am using the KDE spin and I am facing a very weird issue: after a fresh install I already see the three  power options in the favorites in the launcher. However, they disappear on the following restart, with "Log out" as the only option. I have tried to add the other two options manually, to switch alternative and revert back, to delete the content of .local/share/kactivitymanagerd/resources...the result is always the same, all the favorites  disappearing again after a restart.
I have performed a fresh reinstall and it looks like the only way not to lose these options is..not to add any favorites, maybe there is kind of hardcoded settings in the default Artix theme.
Any workaround? Thanks in advance.

Re: weird behavior of favorites in the launcher

Reply #1
Put here a pic, please


Re: weird behavior of favorites in the launcher

Reply #2
Sorry, I have already performed a reinstall choosing the s6 flavor (I was running the runit flavor before) and the issue is not reproducible here.