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Topic: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running? (Read 4229 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #30
I pretty much have a working solution now, what I am looking for now is a way to install the BASE version of the disto with out internet... when you run the installer off a desktop live iso it allows you to install without internet, but when I try it off the base iso it will not allow me to do it.

i don't know, if i want help you, if you ignore me :D :D

but your driver should be brcmfmac and firmware is in  linux-firmware  8)  we need just verify it. but you want play unconditionally  with b43 :D

I'm not ignoring you, but I do think there is a communication problem. I'm not the best communicator.

It was actually me that first talked about the brcmfmac driver and unloading it and using manprob and all that. The thing I posted last was just a similar technique i used on another laptop to get a live iso to use installed drivers.

again, as I said a few times, rfkill dose nothing. rfkill list returns no output at all, if I use rfkill unblock all it shows errors.

Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #31
Fixing the wireless issue is one way - plugging in via ethernet cable could be another.
The base installer is not an iso like the others - it's a bootable tool that allows you to install the packages on the target drive. You can copy it over and modify it - but surely you will have the same connection issues as you have now? This is detailed here for Arch, so the procedure will differ slightly.
Or you could create a local repo on another USB or drive partition:
That doesn't seem to say anything about package signatures though, don't know if that matters. Download the packages you would do in the install process using a working system first, then install them from the local repo, or use some shell loop to install the entire directory contents with -U
Code: [Select]
$ sudo pacman --cachedir=/path/to/dir -Sw base base-devel plus any other stuff

Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #32
I pretty much have a working solution now,

OK, so forum's admin please mark this topic as SOLVED.

Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #33
OK, so forum's admin please mark this topic as SOLVED.

It's not actually solved.. just almost solved.

I still need to know how to install a minimal install either from the base iso or a desktop iso without internet. Once I get that I can then get it all working an post my solution for anyone else coming to the thread.

I haven't had a chance to try #######'s post yet.. but will when I get home.

Code: [Select]
$ sudo pacman --cachedir=/path/to/dir -Sw base base-devel plus any other stuff

would I need to chown into /mnt before I do that so it is installing into the "new" system and stuff?

Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #34

would I need to chown into /mnt before I do that so it is installing into the "new" system and stuff?

The command given is wrong, it doesn't change the root path at all, only the cache dir.

Use basestrap which is part of artools-base package, installed on all live iso.
It is the equivalent to arch's pacstrap.

Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #35
Side note... Linux5.8 is out now...

Maybe if I am super lucky a weekly build in the near future will just work like the Arch/Void/NixOS isos that are out now.

Use basestrap which is part of artools-base package, installed on all live iso.
It is the equivalent to arch's pacstrap.

I remember trying that and it would freak out about there being no net.

How do I use bootstrap to install a base system without using the internet?

Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #36

How do I use bootstrap to install a base system without using the internet?

Seriously, I think you lack the very basic knowledge, and we are not your answer bots to acquire this knowledge.
Please read some documentation first, if that has been done, we will of course help users.

But what you do here is just annoying.

To answer, it will be my last, basestrap requires naturally an internet connection.

Re: WiFi not recognised... BroadCom - ASUS PCE-AC88 - How can I get it running?

Reply #37
To answer, it will be my last, basestrap requires naturally an internet connection.

I realise that, which is why I asked a bunch of times.. a single question that no one seems to even address. I get my communication skills are not the best, but if somone actually answered or even spoke to the question asked, this thread would be pages less.

How can you install a minimal instillation with no internet, as you can install from a desktop iso with no internet... so how (if possible) can you do a minimal install with no internet?