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Topic: How can me, myself and I contribute? Especially given my niche skillset... (Read 878 times) previous topic - next topic
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How can me, myself and I contribute? Especially given my niche skillset...

So I guess I'll have to tell some strangers about myself but the Artix project is interesting enough, to me, that I don't mind.  You won't be getting my social security number though (mostly cause I'm not American.

Jokes aside:   I am a soon-to-be PhD student in mathematics.  I specialise in logic, particularly the model theory of ordered structures.  As for computer knowledge, well I know enough that with a little help (thanks Vim Diesel) I was able to install Artix (certainly no a feat worthy of a medal) and I made sure I understood each step as opposed to just following the instructions as given.  I can do very shell script, have a decent grasp on Python 3 and I've always been interested in learning the languages Haskell and C.  I've also set up basic servers on Vultr for the heck of it (and a minecraft server for my bf), some of which were OpenBSD and FreeBSD systems.  The rest were all Debian-based, not that it really makes that much of a difference.

The things I do and the things I enjoy all boil down to learning, especially since I live in a world (including this forum) which is filled with people who are "smarter" than me.  By which I mean they have skills and knowledge I don't and I would love to share.

Apologies for the long-winded life summary.  With these meagre skills, what could I do to help out around here?

PS.  Hope I'm not coming across as arrogant or anything and English is also not my native language but I believe it was okay.

Re: How can me, myself and I contribute? Especially given my niche skillset...

Reply #1
Most open source projects are hosted on GitHub and GitLab and other online repo solutions where you can easily create an account. Then you can potentially contribute by helping with bug reports or improvements and make pull requests. Not all your submissions may be accepted of course, but you will learn something regardless. This might look good to add to your (already impressive) resume after you graduate.                          
You could try to answer questions on the forum if you think you have a good answer, try to avoid flamewars.  :D  It can sometimes be helpful if you reproduce issues others report to confirm it is not just due to a particular users set up, and log information to help isolate the problem for example, so you may sometimes help a little even if you don't actually fix the problem yourself.
There are probably many other possibilities, but use the forum search box if you have some great idea to improve Artix and see if it was proposed before and how it was received first. Your English is fine, if you hadn't mentioned this nobody would know, from that post anyway.


Re: How can me, myself and I contribute? Especially given my niche skillset...

Reply #2
The things I do and the things I enjoy all boil down to learning, especially since I live in a world (including this forum) which is filled with people who are "smarter" than me.  By which I mean they have skills and knowledge I don't and I would love to share.
Don't fret about it, no one was ever born omniscient. Why don't you start maintaining a few packages on the AUR, for starters?