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Topic: [SOLVED] ecl error (Read 486 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] ecl error

I can't start  maxima-ecl. The `ecl` throw this error:

Code: [Select]

Internal or unrecoverable error in:
Can't set the size of the C stack

;;; ECL C Backtrace
;;; /usr/lib/ [0x14897673c5ea]
;;; /usr/lib/ [0x14897672a578]
;;; /usr/lib/ [0x14897675461a]
;;; /usr/lib/ [0x148976754c1e]
;;; /usr/lib/ [0x1489765f7761]
;;; ecl(+0x102b) [0x55f54f98202b]
;;; /usr/lib/ [0x1489763b8152]
;;; ecl(+0x111e) [0x55f54f98211e]

version: ecl 20.4.24-2

Should I open an issue on the ecl page or the problem is with packaging!
Keep it Simple. Simple is Secure, Simple is Beautiful.

Re: ecl error

Reply #1
hi, pacman -Si ecl say, that this package is not provided by us. So it's not our business. I could end this thread with that ... but ...

seems, that is probably upstream bug:

Fixed in master, but still not in release. 

you can test develop version or report it in mainstream (but that will be  a duplicite, because it was reported and fixed, just not released now)...

but not our bug nor archlinux bug.... ;)


Re: ecl error

Reply #2
thank you!
Keep it Simple. Simple is Secure, Simple is Beautiful.