[SOLVED] Terminal Commands for openRC 30 March 2021, 16:00:01 I've been to the Artix wiki searching and cannot find a simple list of openRC terminal commands. I've googled it and searched on openRC etc. I find Arch, but they are different in many cases now that Arch as gone systemd.Biggest issue now is getting error messages when I simply want to start or restart a service! Like cups or one for a vpn (expressvpn).How do I start a service in terminal emulator on openRC Artix? I type sudo service expressvpn restart and it yields "no such command service." I'm frustrated that I have this amazing distro and can't run things from the command line. The wiki is helpful for more complicated things having to do with editing things.. but please? Just a list of terminal commands for openRC Artix? (not Arch). ~ haggEDITED: Title edited by admin to cantain the expressvpn. Last Edit: 02 April 2021, 01:54:42 by hagg
Re: Terminal Commands for openRC Reply #1 – 30 March 2021, 19:44:30 Try the Gentoo wiki:https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/OpenRCI have found it to be very helpful.
Re: Terminal Commands for openRC Reply #2 – 30 March 2021, 19:53:53 https://wiki.artixlinux.org/Main/OpenRC
Re: Terminal Commands for openRC Reply #3 – 31 March 2021, 02:54:14 Quote from: hagg – on 30 March 2021, 16:00:01How do I start a service in terminal emulator on openRC Artix? sudo rc-service cupsd startBut read what Alium posted. 1 Likes
Re: [SOLVED] Terminal Commands for openRC Reply #4 – 31 March 2021, 23:17:20 Thank you and you can tell I'm new at this.. it is solved and thank you for marking it as such. The program I wanted to install (expressvpn) is not compatible with Artix, so my problem as posted became moot. However I now know something new and will use it forever. ~ hagg
Re: [SOLVED] Terminal Commands for openRC Reply #5 – 01 April 2021, 09:06:29 create a openrc init service is relative easy....if you open the expressvpn.service, you can see:Code: [Select]ExecStart=/usr/sbin/expressvpnd --client-version 3.7.0 --client-build 29same command use now expressvpnd.initd.they put client version and client build into service, that´s pity, because this number changing every new version. in AUR is now expressvpn- you find a PKGBUILD for expressvpn-openrc https://github.com/alium/share/raw/master/expressvpn-openrc.tar.gz, build it with "makepkg", install with "pacman -S" and don´t forget enable it via "rc-update add service runlevel"but in future versions you should yourself change the numbers in expressvpnd.initd. I do not use expressvpn, but i hope, that it will works. Last Edit: 01 April 2021, 09:11:49 by alium 1 Likes
Re: [SOLVED] Terminal Commands for openRC Reply #6 – 01 April 2021, 09:13:34 and please remane this topic to expressvpn service for openRC, if the script will works, it will be more easier find it for another users.@SGOrava
Re: [SOLVED] Terminal Commands for openRC Reply #7 – 01 April 2021, 13:23:23 Quote from: alium – on 01 April 2021, 09:13:34and please remane this topic to expressvpn service for openRC, if the script will works, it will be more easier find it for another users.@SGOrava I'll try you instructions before renaming the topic. ~ hagg