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Topic: Posting about aur packages (Read 805 times) previous topic - next topic
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Posting about aur packages

So this is kind of a question about etiquette. I'm going to be packaging some of my code and putting it up on the aur, so I was wondering if it's appropriate to post about it on this forum or if I should keep that confined to the Arch forum. Artix is my daily driver now, so I'm planning on being here now than there.


Re: Posting about aur packages

Reply #1
why you need ask about packages from AUR? The Arch User Repository (AUR) is a community-driven repository for Arch users.  AUR packages are user produced content. These PKGBUILDs are completely unofficial and have not been thoroughly vetted. Any use of the provided files is at your own risk. Neither Archlinux or ArtixLinux does not provide any support for AUR packages.

However, if someone politely asks, he can get an answer  ;)  :) 