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Topic: Artix linux SFTP Turkish character problems in terminal (Read 473 times) previous topic - next topic
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Artix linux SFTP Turkish character problems in terminal

This only happens when I connect from artix to any sftp server. I got a few linux SFTP machines. I SFTP into them, and some special characters like ö, ç, ş, ı are not properly displayed. They are like ö= /301 ç=/302 alike, the numbers are totally random. If I try to write them and press tab, SFTP shuts down. Some locale issue perhaps? That never happens with any other linux pc. I got several different distros installed. Could you please help? I tried to change stuff in sftp, but couldn't understand. Does SFTP has some internal locale stuff?


Re: Artix linux SFTP Turkish character problems in terminal

Reply #1
Code: [Select]
sftp> ls test-öçş 
Seems OK for me, I was able to 'get' it too - perhaps you need to install some font package? The numbers are probably unicode designations or something like that.
I have:
adobe-source-code-pro-fonts, cantarell-fonts, gs-fonts, ttf-dejavu, ttf-liberation
Apart from ttf-dejavu they are all deps of something, what you might have in a lightweight env could easily miss some character. Could be something else of course, that's just one possibility.
(It might also relate to your font choice in the terminal settings too, you would need to choose one that has those characters, checking mine I'm using Liberation Mono Bold)