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Topic: dnsmasq does not run as user dnsmasq (Read 602 times) previous topic - next topic
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dnsmasq does not run as user dnsmasq

The current dnsmasq service  is set to  run dnsmasq as the "dnsmasq" user but can't. Its called with the -d flag, but it wont drop its privileges in this mode and runs as root.

Code: [Select]
type            = process
command         = /usr/bin/dnsmasq -d --enable-dbus -u dnsmasq -g dnsmasq
smooth-recovery = true
logfile          = /var/log/dinit/dnsmasq.log
depends-on      = dbus

It works as a bgprocess, like below.

Code: [Select]
type            = bgprocess
command         = /usr/bin/dnsmasq --enable-dbus -u dnsmasq -g dnsmasq
pid-file         = /run/
smooth-recovery = true
logfile          = /var/log/dinit/dnsmasq.log
depends-on      = dbus

Re: dnsmasq does not run as user dnsmasq

Reply #1
Changed the flags from -d to -k and now it spawns a new process which drops the privileges. Logs, however, will be handled by syslog.
now only the dinit guy in artix

Re: dnsmasq does not run as user dnsmasq

Reply #2
Thanks. That works.

I use syslog. The logs from dinit don't have timestamps. Currently, I use a little script to remove the "logfile" entries from the service files. Is there someway, with dinit, to have the timestamps?


Re: dnsmasq does not run as user dnsmasq

Reply #3
For now, unfortunately, no timestamps. You can always request the timestamps on logs in dinit's author github, or I can do that for you.
now only the dinit guy in artix