How I installed onto Artix with runit on a Intel vmd Laptop 21 November 2021, 14:44:09 Hi all,I just got done going down a documentation hellhole trying to get Artix Linux up and running on an Asus TufBook which has Intel vmd RAID preinstalled on it and is not able to be disabled from the BIOS. Thusly, there were a few workarounds that were not apparent and the documentation on it was a bit sparse, so I thought I'd break down how I solved this issue step by step.Firstly, of course, I downloaded the Artix runit with XFCE and calamares installer ready to go. Pretty straight forward and easy, but after installation I received a UUID not found message, but upon closer inspection using lsblk UUID, I found that there was nowhere the UUID's didn't match.This left me on a search that led me to realize that a RAID setup could cause such issues, and usually you would just turn them off from the BIOS settings, but this wasn't allowed from my BIOS.Thusly, I did the followingUse the live installation iso usb stick to boot into the live environment.Mount the nvme01p2 (your installed home partition) to /mnt (must be root)sumount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mntChroot into it:artix-chroot /mntThen we need to make some adjustmentsnano /etc/default/grubChange the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT to "nvme_load=YES"And update it:sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg Then:nano /etc/mkinitcpio.confChange the Modules from an empty string to "vmd"And also the line that has autodetect and block in it. Make sure that block is listed before autodetect in the line up.And update it:mkinitcpio -PAnd that's it, reboot, remove your installation media, and you're good.This took me a while to figure out because while some of the solution was listed (mainly on the Manjaro forums), the commands to solidify the changes were not.I can't tell you how happy I was to get Artix running on my laptop finally after the hassle. It has been on my desktop for a week now and after getting everything up and running the way I like it, I had to have it on my laptop too.Cheers! 3 Likes