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Topic: Plasma OpenRC Logout taking unusually long (Read 459 times) previous topic - next topic
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Plasma OpenRC Logout taking unusually long

Hello.. This last week I have been experiencing longer logout times. Typically logout took maybe a second and a half at most, in the last several days logout is now taking 7 or 8 seconds. I'm using Plasma OpenRC on this machine. My other machine is running Plasma runit and it logs out instantly.. Could this be something to do with OpenRC? I've tried a graphics driver change and that had no effect.. Anyone have any trouble shooting ideas? Something to do with dbus? I'm by no means a newbie but I'm not an expert either. Any ideas would be appreciated.. Thanks

Re: Plasma OpenRC Logout taking unusually long

Reply #1
Are you running an indexing service like baloo? The init system doesn't really matter on the DE level, perhaps dbus may be having issues as you suspected.


Re: Plasma OpenRC Logout taking unusually long

Reply #2
Ok, at least I know it's not the init. Thanks. I don't have baloo running. Maybe something else is running I'm not aware of. Or could be dbus too. Not sure how to trouble shoot that. I'll do some looking. Thanks.