Re: How to configure MATE on a base install like the official MATE iso?
Reply #5 –
The correct sequence is:
1. /etc/skel content is copied over to new user's home dir (for example, when such user is created by the useradd program, or during ISO installation)
2. After yhat, a user can do whatever he wants with his home dir
/etc/skel contains many Artix default settings for a new user. Copying /etc/skel ensures that a new user inherits default Artix configs. .bashrc is only one of them.
As to to .bashrc customization, I'd reccomend to keep all custom settings in a separate file, and include this file's content at the end of default .bashrc.
For example, I keep all my bash goodies in the file, named ~/.bashrc-personal. At the end of default ~/.bashrc I simply add one line:
[[ -f ~/.bashrc-personal ]] && . ~/.bashrc-personal
This way, even if ~/.bashrc gets overwritten, it's always possible to restore custom settings by appending one line to it.