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Topic: Nvidia, Vulkan, and Steam issues (Read 601 times) previous topic - next topic
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Nvidia, Vulkan, and Steam issues

So i've got a pretty fresh install running xmonad. Pretty much Steam is the only thing I have downloaded because i've been trying to troubleshoot this issue forever. I had the same problem on my arch install as well but artix is my choice of OS moving forward

When I try to load Steam native games, like Dota, the screen dims a bit then brightens back up and the game never losds. I see a tons of messages on my terminal fly by. I've checked everything in steam I can think of and nothing works. CS:GO also has the same issue and big picture mode also will never load.

I've determined that it must be an issue with vulkan not properly intializing. I tried a fresh Garuda Linux install and everything worked smoothly with no issues. Dota loaded fine and big picture mode popped up as expected. I've followed the Arch Wiki forums on vulkan t/s but none of the suggestions there are helpful.

I use a Titan RTX. Running "vulkaninfo" command gives me tons of output and it appears vulkan is compatible with my graphics card. I have all the nvidia proprietary drivers installed (nvidia-utils, nvidia-settings) and the 32bit libraries as well. lspci -k shows my loaded nvidia driver as the official nvidia one.

I'm at a loss. I can't tell the difference between Garudas configuration and my config. I haven't actually configured any display files or graphic card files but it seems like i'm the only person with this issue. Any help would be appreciated, if you'd like specific information I will provide pastebin links of my output.


Re: Nvidia, Vulkan, and Steam issues

Reply #1

I don't know if you solved your problem already.
Dota 2 works on my computer with an nvidia card and propietary drivers.
The only fancy thing I have is the "-vulkan" launch parameter in the game's settings.
Check if you are forcing Dota to run with compatibility tools (Proton).
If that doesn't work, do you launch the game from a terminal? I launch it from steam itself (non big picture mode).