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Topic: [SOLVED] Can't resolve host error while trying to update (Read 743 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] Can't resolve host error while trying to update

Hello guys, can't ping anything can't resolve any domains but only use the built in firefox DNS over https (DoH). At first i thought my router is toasted but it's not its fault cos it works with the live image. So something must be toasted inside my system. So what you guys recommend? Reinstalling dhcpcd or what's the default system DNS resolver? I'm using runit as init. Yesterday all of a sudden could not resolve any domains so yt-dlp/streamlink/you-get/Chronie with NTS fails due to the fact my system can't resolve any domain via classical port 53 but only via firefox DoH so my browser still works cos i edited my hosts file so it knows what ip my DoH uses otherwise it will fail also.

errors looks like this "Could not resolve host:" or
                                           "ping: Temporary failure in name resolution"

PS: i suspect streamlink or yt-dlp borked my system but can't know where i should start cos i don't know what's my DNS resolver

Re: Can't resolve host error while trying to update

Reply #2
Something related to /etc/resolv.conf?

Re: Can't resolve host error while trying to update

Reply #3
Yeah resolv.conf might be useful. I will check it out. Tnx for the hint  :D


Re: Can't resolve host error while trying to update

Reply #4
Yep managed to solve the problem i had some weird dhcpcd.conf lines removed those and left only the clean default things and problem vanished. So anyone who have some problems a good starting point is check your /etc/dhcpcd.conf file