Possible support for booster as a replacement for mkinitcpio 10 April 2022, 11:50:45 Hi, I recently stumbled upon Booster, which presents itself as a quick mkinitcpio-replacement - and I can confirm that, since it only takes 2 - 3 seconds max to generate an initramfs, compared to roughly 15 seconds with mkinitcpio:https://github.com/anatol/boosterGRUB doesn’t need any modifications to register initramfs-images from Booster, neither does it have any limitations compared to mkinitcpio, at least in my experience - the only drawback for me is that it doesn’t yet have support for an initramfs-embedded LUKS-key, which means that the encryption must be entered twice (to first unblock /boot and then /). But that seems to be included in the next release:https://github.com/anatol/booster/issues/37Currently Booster is in Arch’s community-repo, but would it maybe be possible to include it in Artix’ repos? Only possible issue so far is that mkinitcpio is the default dependency for initramfs for the kernel is mkinitcpio, though specifiyingbasestrap /mnt base booster linux —ignore mkinitcpiosolves this. At that point mkinitcpio is no longer a dependency! It’s not something critical to include it in the repos, though it will be one less package that I need from Arch’s repo - it will also simplify my Artix install-script, since I then no longer would have to add and refresh Arch’s gpg-keys from the live-ISO