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Topic: [SOLVED] basic apps installing (exit to desktop) (Read 848 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] basic apps installing (exit to desktop)

I successfully installed artix-plasma-runit-20220123-x86_64.iso to a local ssd (of a laptop). I checked some pre-installed software from this edition, all worked fine. I connected to WiFi without any problem and successfully browsed with Falcon. Then I only:
  • created a swapfile and added entry to fstab
  • added universe repos entry to pacman.conf

From the console I switched to root and updated pacman repositories as requested (-Syu). I found world/discover and installed it successfully with 1 dependency (arch-appstream...). It appeared in the apps menu. I clicked its icon, it appeared on the menu bar and disappeared (exited to desktop immediately). I logged out and the same repeated for the root account I logged into:
immediate exit to desktop after clicking "discover" icon on the task bar. To check if it was specific for this app, I installed universe/ungoogled-chromium with pacman. The same behavior of exit to desktop. To check if it was specific for internet-related software I even installed kshisen, which installed with 3 other dependencies. Same behavior. I apparently made some mistake or omitted something under way, so will appreciate any advice on proper installation of software.
Operating System: Artix Linux x86_64

Re: basic apps installing (exit to desktop)

Reply #2
Just added
Code: [Select]
to /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf. No improvement unfortunately, even with WiFi disconnected. This advice was so unexpected that I decided to mention I also have a bluetooth mouse successfully working, if it may turn out important for the problem.
Operating System: Artix Linux x86_64

Re: basic apps installing (exit to desktop)

Reply #3
created a swapfile and added entry to fstab
How did you create the swapfile? What is the contents of your /etc/fstab?

It appeared in the apps menu. I clicked its icon, it appeared on the menu bar and disappeared (exited to desktop immediately).
Try executing (from konsole or other terminal emulator)
Code: [Select]
plasma-discover >discover.log 2>&1
and then supplying discover.log.

I logged out and the same repeated for the root account I logged into:
If you mean you logged in in a graphical session as root, you should avoid that. See: Running GUI applications as root
As put by Emmanuele Bassi, a GNOME developer: "there are no *real*, substantiated, technological reasons why anybody should run a GUI application as root. By running GUI applications as an admin user you are literally running millions of lines of code that have not been audited properly to run under elevated privileges; you are also running code that will touch files inside your $HOME and may change their ownership on the file system; connect, via IPC, to even more running code, etc. You are opening up a massive, gaping security hole [...]."[1]

Re: basic apps installing (exit to desktop)

Reply #4
Try executing (from konsole or other terminal emulator)
Code: [Select]
plasma-discover >discover.log 2>&1
and then supplying discover.log.
Code: [Select]
plasma-discover: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBC_2.34' not found (required by plasma-discover)
Code: [Select]
$ pacman -Ss glibc
system/glibc 2.35-3 [installed: 2.33-5]
    GNU C Library
system/glibc-dinit 20211029-1 (dinit-system)
    dinit service scripts for glibc
system/glibc-openrc 20210505-2 (openrc-system)
    OpenRC nscd init script
system/glibc-s6 20210919-1 (s6-system)
    s6-rc service scripts for glibc
system/glibc-suite66 20210705-1 (suite66-system)
    66 script for glibc
system/lib32-glibc 2.35-3
    GNU C Library (32-bit)
world/glibc-runit 20180226-2 (runit-system)
    runit service scripts for glibc
world/nss-mdns 0.15.1-1
    glibc plugin providing host name resolution via mDNS
world/rpcsvc-proto 1.4.3-1
    rpcsvc protocol definitions from glibc
pacman -S glibc-runit?
pacman -S 'glibc'?
Operating System: Artix Linux x86_64


Re: basic apps installing (exit to desktop)

Reply #6
No, no more issues now. All the three programs close and open correctly. Discover complained about lack of backend, but that was easily solved with packagekit-qt. So thank you very much for your patient assistance @strajder !
caused a major upgrade, mostly of packages begining with k... so I suppose I have upgraded to the most recent plasma desktop however the net worth was minus 85 MB. There were 2 dependency cycles detected and a replacement of crda with system/wireless-regdb, but I think it should not hurt.
Operating System: Artix Linux x86_64