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Topic: Customising Right Click Menu Based on Pointer Location (Read 398 times) previous topic - next topic
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Customising Right Click Menu Based on Pointer Location

Dear Artix Friends,

I have spent some significant time checking wikis and manuals, but I cant seem to find the answer to this.

I recall once having my applications/kickoff menu as a context menu option when right clicking the desktop, possibly with KDE on a different distro.  I am running Artix OpenRC with a plasma desktop.

I would like to add the kickoff/application menu to my right click context menu specifically when I right click the desktop.

Could someone please point me to the right docs or let me know how customising this feature is done?  I also tried to find the command to open kickoff, then add a custom menu entry to do it in the right click menu, but I hit a wall.

Any help is appreciated.  I am certain this is in the man pages somewhere but I cant find it for the life of me!

Linux Enthusiast


Re: Customising Right Click Menu Based on Pointer Location

Reply #1
Right click the desktop and select "Configure Desktop and Wallpaper"
Or if that fails try ALT-D, ALT-S with no program holding focus. Just left click on the desktop first.

select 'Mouse Actions' on the window that opens and change to your preference.

btw on my desktop middle click brings up the launcher.