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Re: stable updates

Reply #30
I think this update broke my home partition as i had to fsck manually. I cant say for certain it was the update but everything was working fine up until this update and fsck had errors on sda2 only which is the home partition. I got it back and fully updated but this concerns me somewhat.

It is interesting to read your post Seventh, as I had the same problem this morning when I booted Artix. I had to e2fsck my way out of it!

All's good now though. I'm not aware of any other problems relating to this recent upgrade (though Firefox ESR did crash twice on me yesterday & it has never done that before?) [edit:] Firefox has crashed a few more times today too - not really enough to bother me. /

Anyway, shit happens, especially in rolling release OS's, but they are worth it. :D (Pacman love... ;) )

Re: stable updates

Reply #31
PS: It is somewhat amusing and horrifing that having testing repositories from arch kept my system stable moreso than having just artix stable in this instance. I also bi-daily check differences between my uptodate system and arch with unstable/staging/testing/stable stable repositories using pacman's "--config=" option and seperate pacman.conf for artix/arch and arch vanilla.

Artoo mentioned it on the first page. He accidentally merged the testing branch into stable. And unfortunately icu (a major library a lot of applications depend on) updated hence all the problems.


Re: stable updates

Reply #32
Artoo mentioned it on the first page. He accidentally merged the testing branch into stable. And unfortunately icu (a major library a lot of applications depend on) updated hence all the problems.

I did read this yes. Hence my
I was trying to convey that I was surprised I missed the breakage-party when I run both arch's and artix testing/unstable repos. The unfortunate testing and stable merger accidental occurrence generally doesn't happen. And I understand that this was a small hiccup and no intentional mal-doing. The devs quickly notified the forum and starting fixing affected package breakage from icu versioning and missing/renamed packages. Though I will try to be clearer next time.

@nous @thefallenrat @artoo
If we are keeping icu 60.0 in stable can libreoffice and thunderbird be pulled from arch testing? Please. :)