wpa_supplicant 03 September 2022, 21:30:47 Hi,two questions, pleasewpa_supplicant works fine , but it would be good to know: which are alternatives? iwd from intel not for everyone, but is it open or closed source? wicd is not maintained, if i see right. Is there anything else?then, on my Artix installation exists the service, but is disabled. Instead /usr/bin/wpa_supplicant -u is running. Is it normal that the service hasn't been started?
Re: wpa_supplicant Reply #1 – 04 September 2022, 00:41:15 Quotewhich are alternatives?https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Network_configuration/Wireless#UtilitiesQuote but is it open or closed source?Code: [Select]$ pacman -Si iwdRepository : galaxyName : iwd[...]URL : https://git.kernel.org/cgit/network/wireless/iwd.git/Licenses : LGPLLGPL is an open-source license, and URL points to the source code.Quotethen, on my Artix installation exists the service, but is disabled. Instead /usr/bin/wpa_supplicant -u is running. Is it normal that the service hasn't been started? If you have a network manager (like ConnMan, which is default in Artix's GUI installs), yes, and it's being handled by it.