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Topic: Prioritising AUR packages over pacman repo packages (Universe) (Read 645 times) previous topic - next topic
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Prioritising AUR packages over pacman repo packages (Universe)

I currently have the Universe repo enabled on my system for some packages and while it has been useful for things like artix-archlinux-support, it has also occasionally gotten in the way of a couple of packages.

Currently, I use the AUR version of brave-bin which gets updated much more frequently than the Universe package. However, this means that with my current package manager / AUR helper (aura) the Universe repo can get in the way of updating Brave due to the package being reported as newer than in Universe.

Is it somehow possible to prioritise AUR packages over those in Universe or would I have to use some other workaround in this case?

Re: Prioritising AUR packages over pacman repo packages (Universe)

Reply #1
why not just hash out universe in pacman.conf, problem solved

Re: Prioritising AUR packages over pacman repo packages (Universe)

Reply #2
why not just hash out universe in pacman.conf, problem solved
The problem with that (And what you suggest I've suggested myself, until put right) is that Universe also contains archlinux-keyring & archlinux-mirrorlist. So if you have artix-archlinux-support installed but don't have Universe enabled then Arch support will at some point break.

I understand why artix-archlinux-support had to be moved out of the Artix repo's. Not so clear on the other two?
But in my ideal world the three packages artix-archlinux-support,archlinux-keyring & archlinux-mirrorlist would be in a repo all of their own. Say 'arch-support'.
Thereby allowing arch support without needing the Universe repo enabled.

But its a small point. And I'm a bit split. I have Universe enabled and use two other packages from it. Firedragon and ungoogled-chromium. But the others I tend to avoid as the updates are sporadic.

Re: Prioritising AUR packages over pacman repo packages (Universe)

Reply #3
But in my ideal world the three packages artix-archlinux-support,archlinux-keyring & archlinux-mirrorlist would be in a repo all of their own. Say 'arch-support'.
Thereby allowing arch support without needing the Universe repo enabled.
I'd say this would be a good compromise for maintaining Arch compat without dealing with the update schedule. Maybe in keeping with the theme of astronomy for the rest of the (x64) repos, it might be worth calling this "bridge" repo wormhole? :P

Re: Prioritising AUR packages over pacman repo packages (Universe)

Reply #4
Searching about online came up with this suggestion courtesy of the Endeavour OS forums:

"I’ve got my normal pacman.conf with chaotic enabled, and a separate pacman-normal.conf with chaotic disabled.
Then I use the following script via an alias:

Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -Syu
yay -Syu --devel --config /etc/pacman-normal.conf

This means that in general usage I can still search chaotic-aur and aur for packages. Also it updates from chaotic-aur first so if the build is the same in aur but it’s prebuilt in chaotic aur then you won’t need to build it from aur."

Haven't tried it but it looks a promising workaround, perhaps there might still be some situations it wouldn't help but it could do the trick. I think the pacman.conf for pacman that has universe enabled should probably also "ignore" brave-bin for this to work for you.

Why not give the packages like this a different name in the universe repo to the AUR? If it was called brave-universe or something it wouldn't conflict. I don't know what all the implications of that would be though, perhaps there is some reason for the current scheme. brave-bin is an AUR name though, it doesn't make sense in a binary repo where everything is a -bin.

Re: Prioritising AUR packages over pacman repo packages (Universe)

Reply #5
Same with ventoy-bin:

I must update it manualy with trizen, since some month and the same time pacman allways warns, that the installed is newer than that in universe. - That's anoying.

Please rename that in universe, or delete it, because it's to old.

Re: Prioritising AUR packages over pacman repo packages (Universe)

Reply #6
One can always prepend the desired repo to the package name and override the selection order. AUR helpers can likewise prefer the AUR over standard repositories:
Code: [Select]
# trizen -S aur/ventoy-bin

Both [universe] and [omniverse] are unofficial, just more "trusted" than random 3rd party repos, and maintained on a "whenever-we-can-or-want" basis. We're doing our best to update when notified, but the priority queue is long.


Re: Prioritising AUR packages over pacman repo packages (Universe)

Reply #7
That's what I mean with "update it manualy". But I do it with "trizen -Sal ventoy-bin", so it uses aur only.

But my usual "trizen -Sayul" does not work with it, because oft the old Version in universe.

The Idea with different Names in universe would avoid such problems.

I was wrong: Ventoy is in omniverse, but that change nothing. IMO dupe-Names are no good idea, anyway.