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Topic: lxappearance isn't able to change cursor theme. (Read 734 times) previous topic - next topic
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lxappearance isn't able to change cursor theme.

Hello I try to change the cursor theme. The only way I know is Lxappearance. The cursor previews are lacking, but the list of the cursor themes are present. The "Apply" button has no effect.

Code: [Select]
1 # This file is written by LXAppearance. Do not edit.
2 [Icon Theme]
3 Name=Default
4 Comment=Default Cursor Theme
5 Inherits=Breeze

My WM is bspwm the code 'xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr &' is in the bspwmrc file.
There are several cursor themes installed, such as adwaita, breeze, premium, but only a wierd theme is displayed. This is not the default crossbar cursor. One of cursors is a hand that appears when hovering links, another is a little watch.

Re: lxappearance isn't able to change cursor theme.

Reply #1
Do you know how to completely reset themes please ?