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Topic: To customize a non-english keyboard layout, (Read 448 times) previous topic - next topic
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To customize a non-english keyboard layout,

So sorry if it's not really fit in this place but maybe must be in DE discussion forum:

How do we customize a non-english keyboard layout, its each key is all have different position exchanged/shuffled one with another?

real case is Russia and arabic keyboard layout, please, thanks !

Re: To customize a non-english keyboard layout,

Reply #1
To get Russian characters for occasional use on an English keyboard I use fcitx (not fcitx5) and when the onscreen keyboard is enabled which you can operate with mouse clicks the keyboard also has the Russian characters temporarily. Not everyone likes fcitx and it has it's flaws, like how do you get punctuation while typing Russian characters, I switch back to English, and there are other options, but I've used it for years anyway. On some desktops you can set alternate keyboard layouts which can be selected from a desktop panel icon widget shortcut thing and switch between them easily, by selecting a layout from a drop down menu for example. You can buy little character stickers so your keys are also marked for the different characters for the alternate layout as well as the regular one if you want. I'm sure there are other ways to approach this too, perhaps others have more advice.


Re: To customize a non-english keyboard layout,

Reply #2
How do we customize a non-english keyboard layout, its each key is all have different position exchanged/shuffled one with another?
You can solve it very well with xmodmap and xev.

Code: [Select]
pacman -S xorg-xmodmap xorg-xev
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