KDE meta packages falls behind
I am upgrading my kde laptop and ran into problems.
First there where a few dependencies that could not be resolved due to the rename of kdesdk-kioslaves to extra/kdesdk-kio so I removed two metapackages (kde-applications-meta and kde-sdk-meta) and the upgrade went on fine.
When I tried to reinstall the meta packages I realized that those in the artix repository are out of date on some kde metapacakges and kde-applications-meta has not been updated since December -21. Those are still relying on kdesdk-kioslaves that is now nonexistent in the repository. The same package in arch linux are from June -22 and seems to reflect the package name changes.
Are there any chance that kde meta packages can be synced from Arch linux? My entire family depends on KDE and nowadays mostly in artix, or is there another way to resolve this?