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Topic: Sometimes on boot-up computer is using more CPU than it should (Read 379 times) previous topic - next topic
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Sometimes on boot-up computer is using more CPU than it should

I've noticed this the past month, a fair bit of times when I boot up either of my Artix PC's, the CPU is running higher than it normally should. Usually shut down and boot back up fixes it but I want to get to the root of the issue. I'm just noticing this on the plank docklet.

Re: Sometimes on boot-up computer is using more CPU than it should

Reply #1
Which init you are using ?
You should disable non necessary start up services to start diagnose.
Use htop to see in tty or desktop/window manager which process taking alot of cpu usage
Create problems which don't have solution

Re: Sometimes on boot-up computer is using more CPU than it should

Reply #2
I use Runit


Re: Sometimes on boot-up computer is using more CPU than it should

Reply #3
This is really vague. The lack of information makes it almost impossible to help. Okay so we know the init but it is the services or application that are the cause of the slowdown. When init fails it is doom and gloom start over with at least a "chroot" session to fix.
What services are running? What applications are being started?
Those kind of things would be of interest including the desktop or window manager and all their starting applications.

If I was experiencing a slow performing bootup, I would first look at all log files to see if a service is not starting or having issues starting delaying the whole process. Here is hoping a log file will provide a clue. Maybe enable remove "quiet" from the kernel line to get more information during bootup if it exists. Maybe look at increasing log verbosity on the system as well.

What about a cron application? Do you have any cron jobs that run like stuff like freshclam or spamassassin updating? Maybe a delayed scheduled cron job is randomly causing slow downs as tasks are being run on boot.

Check your desktop or window manager for all their starting applications. Maybe some needs to configured due to an update. Some software setups are just flaky and must not be used if one wants a solid environment. Try a different mix of startup applications if possible.

Do you have any *.pacnew files in /etc? Maybe a setting needs to be set or changed.

Run a process monitor to see if any application or process is hogging the CPU. Or if a program is constantly crashing and starting again. Look for any zombies i.e. programs that are running but are so screwed up the system no longer knows what the process was. Top works well but any monitor application will provide clues. Htop was mentioned earlier.

If I could not find anything at all, then I would start turning stuff off that still allows the system to boot until the issue was resolved including the user, desktop or window manager environment. A long and lengthy process when there are no clues.

I would even boot up with the latest version of Artix via USB stick and see if it run faster. Or try different desktop or even init if I still could not figure out the cause just to see if it is the init service scripts running at the time. Though in this case I am sure it is not runit itself that is the source of the issue. The system starts and runs.

If you find anything that appears out of the ordinary then by all means please update the thread.