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Topic: lib32 and systemd (Read 3243 times) previous topic - next topic
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lib32 and systemd

Skip to second paragraph for the main issues. Firstly, hats off to you guys for your work on this distro. I have very little experience delving into the working of my system; leave that up to the guys who know what they're doing. A comparatively minimal but effective installation is all I need. Arch does that well; Artix does it even better. And I never had any problems (that I couldn't solve by going on the net).

Attempted to install lib32-gst-plugins-bad from the aur (dependency hell, that, and not really what one would want in a comparatively minimal system) and ran into some issues. While lib32-eudev from arch-openrc was a good enough replacement for lib32-systemd's udev, pacman doesn't seem to consider it so for the official Artix package. This isn't really much of a problem though. All the necessities are present, so simply changing PKGBUILDs or assuming lib32-systemd to be installed does the trick. Still, will/can this be fixed?

More importantly, some packages seem to need lb32/, without which they cannot be built. This problem seems to be circumvented using the dummy packages from world. Will we be getting these packages for lib32? Are they even necessary or is my noobishness showing through (if this is the case, a solution would be appreciated)? Or is the issue too irrelevant to consider right now? The last being the case is also perfectly fine considering most people wouldn't run into this issue.

Re: lib32 and systemd

Reply #1
The purpose of lib32 repo is to replace Arch's mulitlib completely with artix's own mutlilib (lib32) that are built with artix's cores. Sadly it wasn't completed yet. So in the meantime, please enable [multilib] repo by uncommenting it in /etc/pacman.conf
If I can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

Re: lib32 and systemd

Reply #2
Skip to second paragraph for the main issues. Firstly, hats off to you guys for your work on this distro. I have very little experience delving into the working of my system; leave that up to the guys who know what they're doing. A comparatively minimal but effective installation is all I need. Arch does that well; Artix does it even better. And I never had any problems (that I couldn't solve by going on the net).

Attempted to install lib32-gst-plugins-bad from the aur (dependency hell, that, and not really what one would want in a comparatively minimal system) and ran into some issues. While lib32-eudev from arch-openrc was a good enough replacement for lib32-systemd's udev, pacman doesn't seem to consider it so for the official Artix package. This isn't really much of a problem though. All the necessities are present, so simply changing PKGBUILDs or assuming lib32-systemd to be installed does the trick. Still, will/can this be fixed?

More importantly, some packages seem to need lb32/, without which they cannot be built. This problem seems to be circumvented using the dummy packages from world. Will we be getting these packages for lib32? Are they even necessary or is my noobishness showing through (if this is the case, a solution would be appreciated)? Or is the issue too irrelevant to consider right now? The last being the case is also perfectly fine considering most people wouldn't run into this issue.

Is their a particular reason for installing Gstreamer from AUR as its a very out dated version dropped because of security issues surely what you want is in multilb I not 100% sure mind as I have not used anything 32bt for years

Re: lib32 and systemd

Reply #3
I'm trying to install lib32-gst-plugins-bad. Not lib32-gstreamer itself. The latter is available in multilib, the former is not.

I have core, extra and multilib enabled. That isn't really the problem. My main concern is that, since, for example, libinput requires systemd-dummy, will lib32-libinput require a lib32-systemd-dummy package (it appears so as it asks for lib32/ If it does, then I don't mind waiting until it is available in lib32. If it does but the usecase is considered too small for 32-bit dummy packages to be built, then that is fine too. I doubt installing a package which requires systemd will ever be a necessity. It certainly isn't in this case.

However, if the dummy packages are not necessary, I'd appreciate a solution, or at least a starting point to finding one.

Re: lib32 and systemd

Reply #4
You say you have core enabled?  The core systemd based Arch repository?

Re: lib32 and systemd

Reply #5
Yes. I only have linux from core though. Everything else is system.

Re: lib32 and systemd

Reply #6
If you turn both multilib and lib32 off and use something like yaourt to build all pkg and dependencies from AUR would it work?

This is what I get as a list of necessary files:
Code: [Select]
==> lib32-gst-plugins-bad dependencies:
 - mjpegtools (already installed)
 - gst-plugins-bad (already installed)
 - python (already installed) [makedepend]
 - gobject-introspection (already installed) [makedepend]
 - git (already installed) [makedepend]
 - autoconf-archive (already installed) [makedepend]
 - lib32-gst-plugins-base-libs (building from AUR)
 - lib32-chromaprint (building from AUR)
 - lib32-libmms (building from AUR)
 - lib32-faad2 (building from AUR)
 - lib32-celt (building from AUR)
 - lib32-libdca (building from AUR)
 - lib32-libdvdnav (building from AUR)
 - lib32-libmodplug (building from AUR)
 - lib32-libgme (building from AUR)
 - lib32-wayland (building from AUR)
 - lib32-openjpeg2 (building from AUR)
 - lib32-libwebp (building from AUR)
 - lib32-libsrtp (building from AUR)
 - lib32-gnutls (building from AUR)
 - lib32-glu (building from AUR)
 - lib32-sbc (building from AUR)
 - lib32-rtmpdump (building from AUR)
 - lib32-libgudev (building from AUR)
 - lib32-graphene (building from AUR)
 - lib32-schroedinger (building from AUR)
 - lib32-libexif (building from AUR)
 - lib32-libdvdread (building from AUR)
 - lib32-libvdpau (building from AUR)
 - lib32-libmpeg2 (building from AUR)
 - lib32-wildmidi (building from AUR)
 - lib32-ladspa (building from AUR)
 - lib32-openal (building from AUR)
 - lib32-libusb (building from AUR)
 - lib32-vulkan-icd-loader (building from AUR)
 - lib32-libfdk-aac (building from AUR)
 - lib32-faac (building from AUR)
 - lib32-soundtouch (building from AUR)
 - lib32-spandsp (building from AUR)
 - lib32-neon (building from AUR)
 - lib32-webrtc-audio-processing (building from AUR)
 - lib32-libdc1394 (building from AUR)
 - lib32-libmpcdec (building from AUR)
 - lib32-zvbi (building from AUR)
 - valgrind-multilib (building from AUR) [makedepend]
 - vulkan-headers (package found) [makedepend]
 - lib32-gtk3 (building from AUR) [makedepend]
 - lib32-clutter (building from AUR) [makedepend]
 - lib32-librsvg (building from AUR) [makedepend]
 - lib32-libtiger (building from AUR) [makedepend]
 - lib32-fluidsynth (building from AUR) [makedepend]
 - lib32-opencv (building from AUR) [makedepend]
 - lib32-openexr (building from AUR) [makedepend]

Re: lib32 and systemd

Reply #8
mandog, lib32-gst-plugins-bad has never been a part of any official repo. There are plans to include it in multilib (along with lib32-gst-plugins-ugly), but those were mentioned last year, so... Or am I misunderstanding something about the ALA?

Many of the dependencies are from multilib. Still, I uninstalled everything from multilib and lib32, commented them out and tried with yaourt. Too many missing targets. Then turned only lib32 back on and tried again. Still too many missing targets. Then both multilib and lib32. It tried to install lib32-systemd even when lib32-eudev was installed, so I assumed lib32-systemd was installed. Ran into the same error as when I tried manual building of AUR PKGBUILDs.

However, it seems that the main problem is that lib32-dbus, lib32-libgudev, etc. seem to have (most likely unnecessary) unresolvable dependencies on lib32-systemd instead of directly depending on lib32-eudev. So I guess thefallenrat was correct and I just have to wait for lib32 to be populated?

Re: lib32 and systemd

Reply #9
As long as lib32 is above multilib  in pacman config and you have the new servers at the top of your mirrorlist  they should both work together OK

Re: lib32 and systemd

Reply #10
I'm not trying to hijack this thread or anything, but I've seen a few mentions of a lib32 repo/mirror in a few threads but one does not exist in my pacman.conf. Does this have to be added manually? Is there an artix-specific process to using this repo?

Re: lib32 and systemd

Reply #12
I'm not trying to hijack this thread or anything, but I've seen a few mentions of a lib32 repo/mirror in a few threads but one does not exist in my pacman.conf. Does this have to be added manually? Is there an artix-specific process to using this repo?
When's the last time you check for pacnew files?
If I can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!


Re: lib32 and systemd

Reply #13
Managed to get everything built (haven't tested anything else) by installing lib32-eudev-systemd from arch-openrc. Had to assume eudev-systemd installed as it conflicts with systemd-dummy. However, I doubt this is recommended.

thefallenrat's suggestion to wait for the lib32 repo to become more populated seems the way to go. Thanks for all the help and suggestions, everybody. :)