[CLOSED] Udev fails to open any device on 6.2.5.zen1-1 (ZEN Kernel) 25 March 2023, 05:08:57 I am not going to look into the specifics of this problemAnd won't bother trying to fix any of this,but it seems like the recent update of the Zen Kernel or the udev modulehave caused udev not to work properly in combination with the Zen-Kernel.Other Kernels work fine and luckily I am able to change them easily but watch out if you have no fallbacks.Again I am not trying to fix anything here or expect anything to change till next update.
Re: [CLOSED] Udev fails to open any device on 6.2.5.zen1-1 (ZEN Kernel) Reply #1 – 18 April 2023, 02:11:16 Would you mind going into the specifics of this? I may be experiencing something similar and want to verify if this is the problem. How did you determine this?