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Topic: [SOLVED] Slow internet speeds on realtek 8822ce (Read 1149 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] Slow internet speeds on realtek 8822ce


When downloading packages download speeds sometimes drop to ~100KBs, steam downloads cap at 2MB/s which is 1/3 of the dl speed i get on any other device.
I am using the rtw_8822ce driver with disable aspm parameter.
I have also tested the dl speeds on the artix live iso, other distro live ISO's and windows, and all of them (except for my install) reach the same maximum speed.

Is there anything i can try or should i just reinstall and see if it continues doing the same?

Re: Slow internet speeds on realtek 8822ce

Reply #1
Found out that the problem is my sysctl configuration.

Re: Slow internet speeds on realtek 8822ce

Reply #2
can you share your findings, up until know I thought it's a server related issue and just ignored it.

Re: Slow internet speeds on realtek 8822ce

Reply #3
You know, people tend to hate it when a user says "I solved it!" without posting the solution. Just saying.


Re: Slow internet speeds on realtek 8822ce

Reply #4
Oh sorry, i must have forgotten.
I have quite a few ipv4 modifications in my sysctl config from several sites and although it says that this setting should improve performance, it seems to lower mine by a lot.

net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_dsack = 1
The first setting' default value is 1, i had it set to 0, but when i commented it out and it returned to default value, my speeds went back to normal. The second setting goes with the first.