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Topic: HSTR doesn't work on a new installation (Read 402 times) previous topic - next topic
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HSTR doesn't work on a new installation

There's a nice bash history application to ease searching through it, called hstr.

You can compile it yourself (though involves some sources editing) or build via AUR here (easy and straightforward).

The thing is that I CAN use it on my older Artix installation, but not on a NEW one which I installed today on another machine:

When I select some command from history and press Enter - nothing happens and I return to the console like the command was executed (but it wasn't actually).

The configs are the same everywhere.

I just cannot figure it out why such a tiny and easy program doesn't work on a newer installation.

Any ideas?


P.S. I've tried even other methods like unpacking Debian and Void linux packages. All in vain. The same situation.



Sorry, it was a kernel issue. I'm using an older one on the first machine, so the program worked okay.

But somewhere in kernels 6.2.x and higher some new feature was introduced. I had to enable this:

dev.tty.legacy_tiocsti = 1

in /usr/lib/sysctl.d/

Now it's fine.