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Topic: {Guide} Reuse A LUKS Encrypted Home Partition On a Fresh Install (Read 299 times) previous topic - next topic
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{Guide} Reuse A LUKS Encrypted Home Partition On a Fresh Install

(An AI's rendition of this guide)
  • Never modify your encrypted partition unless your data is backed up, don't shrink it, don't extend it. It might work but it has a pretty high chance of corrupting it
  • Your partition password must = user password AFAIK (There is rumored to be a workaround for this, but I am not sure how)
  • Any corrections or improvements to this process are welcome, I'm a bit of a noob and I'm pretty sure this can be done better (Provided you actually read the whole post)
  • I use this method with the Artix Calamares ISOs, however it should also work with a manual installation, be very careful to not bork your encrypted partition if you attempt that

Code: (Example of what works for me(Replace user with your user and /dev/nvme0n1p3 with the path to your partition):) [Select]
<volume user="user" fstype="crypt" path="/dev/nvme0n1p3" mountpoint="/home" options="crypto_name=volume_name,allow_discard"/>
  • Add the "extra" repo to /etc/pacman.conf
  • Create /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch and add some mirrors to it
  • Copy the home folder from your new install into your pre-existing LUKS partition
  • Boot into it, do not log in to a window manager or desktop environment (It wont work), then switch to TTY and log in there(Alternatively, Chroot from the live environment)(Skip this step on a manual install)
  • Install archlinux-keyring then pam_mount
  • Comment the "extra" repo and it's Include line in /etc/pacman.conf
  • Switch back to your display manager and log in