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Topic: problem with dnscrypt-proxy (Read 272 times) previous topic - next topic
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problem with dnscrypt-proxy

hello, im using artix xfce with open rc. i installed dnscrypt-proxy-openrc, add it to the default runlevel, and when i tried to start dnscrypt-proxy :

dnscrypt-proxy  | * Starting dnscrypt-proxy ...                                 [ ok ] 

and nothing after that, after more than 10 min. i tried to reboot, but nothing changes, dnscrypt-proxy status is stopped. i guess it is because on 53 port working connmand. but if i kill it or stop, of course i have no internet. and even if i stop connmand and after that start dnscrypt-proxy, it automatically start connmand:

connmand         | * Starting connmand ...                                                                                                       [ ok ]
dnscrypt-proxy   | * Starting dnscrypt-proxy ...                                                                                           [ ok ]

and after that connmand will use 53 port again and dnscrypt will be stoppped.  what should i do?

p.s sorry if this post have some grammar errors, im not from english-speaking country