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Topic: [SOLVED] Dolphin-emu-git requires zlib-ng to compile. (Read 340 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] Dolphin-emu-git requires zlib-ng to compile.

I've been getting tired of dolphin-emu not being rebuilt when it's dependencies get updated so I wanted to try out the AUR git version instead. However one of the required packages is zlib-ng to build it which is currently not in the Artix repos. I asked over there if it the regular version of zlib could be made an optional replacement for it but the maintainer said no.

Zlib-ng is not an AUR package so my options seem to either be:
1. Ask if zlib-ng could be added to the Artix Extra or Galaxy repo.
2. Enable the Arch Extra package repository in Pacman.

I'd rather not do option 2 if it could be avoided since I don't want to rely on Arch for anything that could be provided by Artix. Thought I would ask first before I enabled the Arch Extra repository.


Re: Dolphin-emu-git requires zlib-ng to compile.

Reply #1
zlib-ng has been added to world.