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Topic: Firefox doesn't prevent the screen from going blank while watching videos. (Read 534 times) previous topic - next topic
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Firefox doesn't prevent the screen from going blank while watching videos.


Pretty much what the title says, the screen goes blank while watching videos/streams on firefox. Mpv and chromium work fine and prevent the screen from closing. How should I troubleshoot the issue? I'm currently using firefox 127.0.1 with artix-runit and tried many different DEs like gnome kde etc.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Firefox doesn't prevent the screen from going blank while watching videos.

Reply #1
I've researched this issue in the past, pretty sure it's an upstream issue with Firefox.

Re: Firefox doesn't prevent the screen from going blank while watching videos.

Reply #2

 xfce has a feature called "inhibit screensaver for full screen applications". I for one I disabled all that and made a keybinding  "xfce4-screensaver-command -a". When I need the screen to go off I hit that key.

Re: Firefox doesn't prevent the screen from going blank while watching videos.

Reply #3
caffeine-ng has always been my go to app to prevent blanking, in AUR

Re: Firefox doesn't prevent the screen from going blank while watching videos.

Reply #4
Just made an archlinux vm to try firefox and it works fine. Does arch use something else that prevents the screen from going blank?

Re: Firefox doesn't prevent the screen from going blank while watching videos.

Reply #5
128.0 worked perfectly well for me.


Re: Firefox doesn't prevent the screen from going blank while watching videos.

Reply #6
Okay, after many hours I figured out there is something wrong with lutris or its dependencies. I'm using dwm and firefox for some reason doesn't prevent the screen from blanking after installing lutris with xdg-desktop-portal-gnome or xdg-desktop-portal-gtk. This looks very weird to me, maybe it has something to do with gnome-desktop being installed? Idk, if someone else has any clues let me know, I will mark the thread as solved soon.
