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Topic: buildiso - create and use your own personal repository (Read 1624 times) previous topic - next topic
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buildiso - create and use your own personal repository

As written, this has worked for me although I'd be very interested in better, possibly more secure ways of doing this.  To date, nothing has broken. ;)

If you have packages from AUR for example and wish to add them to your ISO image you can create a personal repository that includes just those packages.

The database and the packages do not need to be in the same directory when using repo-add, but keep in mind that when using pacman with that database, they should be together. Storing all the built packages to be included in the repository in one directory also allows to use shell glob expansion to add or update multiple packages at once.

If you have only the PKGBUILD you'll need to build the package in that directory first.

Code: [Select]
makepkg -Acs

Collect all packages in the same directoy as the repository

Code: [Select]
mkdir -p /usr/share/repo
cd /usr/share/repo
cp /path/to/package.pkg.tar.xz ./

Create the repo database

Code: [Select]
repo-add repo.db.tar.gz *.pkg.tar.xz

Same syntax for adding additional packages to the same repo.

Code: [Select]
repo-add repo.db.tar.gz package-name.pkg.tar.xz

Add your repo to /usr/share/artools/pacman-default.conf

Code: [Select]

SigLevel = Optional TrustAll

Server = file:///usr/share/repo/

This can be placed in your build directory also so it's available in live mode or even installed.

Code: [Select]

When you update the package cache in live or installed mode this repo is valid. 
Old-timer penguin