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Topic: timeshift error during upgrade: "line 2: systemctl: command not found" (Read 332 times) previous topic - next topic
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timeshift error during upgrade: "line 2: systemctl: command not found"

Did an upgrade right now (pacman -Syu) and noticed a strange error after timeshift got upgraded:
Code: [Select]
(25/25) upgrading timeshift                                                              [###################################################] 100%
/tmp/alpm_NvALwd/.INSTALL: line 2: systemctl: command not found
TimeShift scheduled backups require the cronie.service to be running.
  systemctl enable --now cronie.service
Besides this, timeshift starts normally.

It looks like a recent commit introduced this systemctl command. Is it an accidental packaging error or is it intended?

(just in case, here's the summary line from pacman's log)
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Re: timeshift error during upgrade: "line 2: systemctl: command not found"

Reply #1

Thanks for your feedback, the package has been fixed and pushed again to galaxy.



Re: timeshift error during upgrade: "line 2: systemctl: command not found"

Reply #2
We are marking this topic as solved.
