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Topic: cannot start networkmanager (Read 619 times) previous topic - next topic
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cannot start networkmanager

Hello, new to artix linux, yesterday I reinstalled artix and I cannot seem to get networkmanager working. Am I doing something wrong? Please let me know.

[tree@earth ~]$ nmcli
Error: Could not create NMClient object: Could not connect: No such file or directory.
[tree@earth ~]$ nmtui
Could not contact NetworkManager: Could not connect: No such file or directory.
[tree@earth ~]$ ls /etc/runit/runsudir/default
agetty-tty1 agetty-tty2 agetty-tty3 agetty-tty4 agetty-tty5 agetty-tty6 dbus logind NetworkManager udevd
[tree@earth ~]$ pacman -Q | grep net
libnetfilter_conntrack 1.0.9-2
libnfnetlink 1.0.2-2
nettle 3.10-1
networkmanager 1.50.0-1
networkmanager-runit 20180226-3
[tree@earth 1$ sudo sv up NetworkManager
[tree@earth 1$ sudo sv up dbus
[tree@earth ~]$ nmcli
Error: Could not create NMClient object: Could not connect: No such file or directory.
[tree@earth ~]$ nmtui
Could not contact NetworkManager: Could not connect: No such file or directory.
[tree@earth"]$ sudo sv start NetworkManager
ok: run: NetworkManager: (pid 2686) Os
[tree@earth ~]$ sudo sv start dbus
timeout: down: dbus: Os, normally up, want up
[tree@earth ~]$

Re: cannot start networkmanager

Reply #1
These commands are from the dbus startup script for runit:

dbus-uuidgen --ensure=/etc/machine-id
[ -d /run/dbus ] || install -m755 -g 81 -o 81 -d /run/dbus
exec dbus-daemon --system --nofork --nopidfile

Run these manually as root to see what fails and the related error.

Linux is simple; use Artix, or Submit Your System To Evil Malicious D(a)emons

Re: cannot start networkmanager

Reply #2
here's what I got

[earth ~]# dbus-uuidgen --ensure=/etc/machine-id
[earth ~]# install -m755 -g 81 -o 81 -d /run/dbus
[earth ~]# exec dbus-daemon --system --no-fork --nopidfile
dbus-daemon [--version] [--session] [--system] [--config-file=FILE] [--print-address[=DESCRIPTOR]] [--print-pid[=DESCRIPTOR]] [--introspect] [--address=ADDRESS 1 [--nopidfile] [--nosyslog] [--syslog] [--syslog-only] [--no fork] [--fork] [--systemd-activation]
Artix Linux 6.6.67-1-lts (tty1)
earth login: root
[earth ~]#

it just logged me out I guess?

Re: cannot start networkmanager

Reply #3
There's a typo, no-fork vs nofork, just run:

dbus-daemon --system --nofork --nopidfile

Linux is simple; use Artix, or Submit Your System To Evil Malicious D(a)emons

Re: cannot start networkmanager

Reply #4
shoot! my bad, didn't notice that, anyways I've re ran all the commands and here's the new output

[earth ~]# dbus-uuidgen --ensure=/etc/machine-id
[earth ~]# install -m755 -g 81 -o 81 -d /run/dbus
[earth ~]# exec dbus-daemon --system --nofork --nopidfile
dbus-daemon[857]: Failed to start message bus: Could not get UID and GID for username "dbus"
Artix Linux 6.6.67-1-lts (tty1)
earth login:

Re: cannot start networkmanager

Reply #5
It seems the dbus user is missing from your system.
Make sure to have or create:
- group dbus with gid 81
- user dbus with uid 81, gid 81, description 'System Message Bus', homedir /, shell /bin/nologin

Linux is simple; use Artix, or Submit Your System To Evil Malicious D(a)emons

Re: cannot start networkmanager

Reply #6
I have waited for more than 5 minutes but it hangs on the last command

[earth ~]# grep dbus /etc/passwd
dbus:x:81:81:System Message Bus:/:/bin/nologin
[earth # grep dbus /etc/group
[earth ~]# dbus-uuidgen --ensure=/etc/machine-id
[earth ~]# install -m755 -g 81 -o 81 -d /run/dbus
[earth ~]# exec dbus-daemon --system --nofork --nopidfile
Artix Linux 6.6.67-1-lts (tty1)
earth login:

Re: cannot start networkmanager

Reply #7
Then it seems dbus runs OK now, so just try to start the service and check if it keeps running.
If it does then start networkmanager.

Linux is simple; use Artix, or Submit Your System To Evil Malicious D(a)emons

Re: cannot start networkmanager

Reply #8
thank you for your time, it finally works. I don't know what happened, I installed artix just like I do normally except this happened, first on my machine and then on a vm and the same thing happened. Shouldn't this be working out of the box?

Re: cannot start networkmanager

Reply #9
 It's unclear how the dbus user did not get created or got removed; this is the first time I see this issue.
Maybe if you share all the exact actions you performed for the install, we can say more about any possible cause.

Linux is simple; use Artix, or Submit Your System To Evil Malicious D(a)emons

Re: cannot start networkmanager

Reply #10
I have the same problem with the installation of openrc (but I also tried Dinit): that is, dbus does not start with the same problem and the system is obviously unusable... xorg doesn't start... iwd and not networkmanager but the problem is always dbus....

Re: cannot start networkmanager

Reply #11
sure, it's the standard stuff, the exact steps I took to install are as following

cfdisk /dev/nvme0n1
mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/nvme0n1p1
mkfs.ext4 /dev/nvme0n1p2
mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt
mkdir -p /mnt/boot/efi
mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/boot/efi
basestrap /mnt base base-devel elogind-runit intel-ucode linux-firmware linux-lts man-db nano networkmanager-runit runit
fstabgen -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
artix-chroot /mnt
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Region/City /etc/localtime
hwclock --systohc
nano /etc/locale.gen
nano /etc/locale.conf
nano /etc/hosts
ln -s /etc/runit/sv/NetworkManager /etc/runit/runsvdir/default
usreadd -m user
passwd user
usrmod -aG audio,floppy,kvm,network,optical,storage,video,wheel user
EDITOR=nano visudo
pacman -S efibootmgr grub os-prober
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=grub
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
umount -R /mnt

hope it helps

Re: cannot start networkmanager

Reply #12
The root cause has been identified; the current version does no longer create the dbus user, which causes this problem on newly installed systems.

A fixed version of the package has been built and is now in system-gremlins.

Linux is simple; use Artix, or Submit Your System To Evil Malicious D(a)emons


Re: cannot start networkmanager

Reply #13
Fixed dbus pkg has been moved to system

Linux is simple; use Artix, or Submit Your System To Evil Malicious D(a)emons