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Topic: XFCE Messed up after login  (Read 346 times) previous topic - next topic
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XFCE Messed up after login

Not sure what changed/happened as this has been working great until recently when I cleaned up some orphan packages. After logging into XFCE, the fonts are enlarged and everything is off. Going to appearance and switching themes  sets everything back to normal (Numix1 is an exact copy of the Numix theme I copied for testing). The 1st screen shot shows how it should look and the second shows the messed up view.

I tried deleting the ./config/xfce4 folder and re-setting everything from scratch, but the behavior didn't go back to normal, still starts the session goofy at login.

Any ideas where to look to get this back to normal?

Re: XFCE Messed up after login

Reply #1
Create a new user and see how it goes. If it works, it's user settings; if not, system-wide problem.

Re: XFCE Messed up after login

Reply #2
Seems to me like wrong dpi-Settings: Appearance/Fonts

Re: XFCE Messed up after login

Reply #3
Hmm, well its system wide. Not sure what broke by cleaning things up. The workaround appears to be checking the Custom DPI Setting box and leaving it at 95/100 (whatever looks correct). Never needed to do this before.

Thanks everybody!


Re: XFCE Messed up after login

Reply #4
The usual dpi is 96 (dots per inch - not percent).

Maybe there was a change in the graphic driver, so the monitor dpi is reading out wrong.