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Re: ly dm dinit scripts

Reply #15
im only getting this message on tty1, pressing enter will should normal artix login prompt. no ly interface appears on any other tty. moving default tty in /etc/ly/config to 2 or 7 (not use by console) still no ly. try ly from "world" repo and ly-git from "omniverse" still the same

Re: ly dm dinit scripts

Reply #16
One required variable is probably missing. One of the downsides of Ly is that the errors are not helpful.
So, carefullly compare your setup for Ly to what is required. Note that the agetty related instructions most probably also apply for dinit.

Linux is simple; use Artix, or Submit Your System To Evil Malicious D(a)emons

Re: ly dm dinit scripts

Reply #17
ok, managed to get LY working by replacing "command = /usr/bin/$EXE_NAME" to point to a custom shell sript that run "/usr/bin/agetty -nl /usr/bin/ly-dm 38400 linux"

wierd to have a dinit script included which is incomplete. even the upstream ly repo uses the same incomplete dinit script, at least it should follow how ly was implemented in runit for example.

Re: ly dm dinit scripts

Reply #18
@negative I got same exact issue as you, tried everything and changing to "/usr/bin/agetty -nl /usr/bin/ly-dm 38400 linux", nothing helped. I'm trying to get ly to start in tty2 only, but for now I only experimented with tty7. tty7 is just blank page with blinking cursor no matter what I change.

I'm afraid of breaking stuff in `/etc/dinit.d/config/console.conf`, can I change it to `ACTIVE_CONSOLES="/dev/tty[1,3-6]"`to free tty2?

@negative Could you share all the files that needed for ly? Like git repo or something else if you got it, been stuck on this for past two days. Might just give up and try "Tuigreet" like @Artist suggested.


Re: ly dm dinit scripts

Reply #19

im just using the modified launcher from ly-runit. copy this code into your executable path (e.g.  /usr/bin/). Make it executable.

Code: [Select]

## Get the tty from the conf file
CONFTTY=$(cat /etc/ly/config.ini | sed -n 's/^tty.*=[^1-9]*// p')

## The execution vars
# If CONFTTY is empty then default to 2

[ -r conf ] && . ./conf

if [ -x /sbin/getty -o -x /bin/getty ]; then
# busybox
elif [ -x /sbin/agetty -o -x /bin/agetty ]; then
# util-linux

exec ${GETTY} ${GETTY_ARGS} -nl /usr/bin/ly-dm "${TTY}" "${BAUD_RATE}" "${TERM_NAME}"
#exec setsid /usr/bin/ly-dm

then modify /etc/dinit/ly. change "command = $EXE_NAME" to "command = <path_to_script_from_above>".

enable service. this should be enough to make ly work.

Re: ly dm dinit scripts

Reply #21
Spoke too soon,  after reboot it crashed Hyprland that autostarts on tty1 and switches to tty2 with ly...

I'm giving up, not worth it with my setup.

Re: ly dm dinit scripts

Reply #22
Did you disable the agetty service(s) for the tty(s) you want to use? That is required.

Or indeed try Greetd with Tuigreet.

Linux is simple; use Artix, or Submit Your System To Evil Malicious D(a)emons

Re: ly dm dinit scripts

Reply #23
I think tuigreet needs it's own wiki section.


Re: ly dm dinit scripts

Reply #24
Spoke too soon,  after reboot it crashed Hyprland that autostarts on tty1 and switches to tty2 with ly...

I'm giving up, not worth it with my setup.
disable tty2,

Code: [Select]
# sudo dinitctl disable tty2

i had mine on default, so it starts at tty7 which console and default agetty is not