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Intel ME free software and Artix


There is some crap that is in my head now, basically i have read too much stuff about intel management engine... Well of course it's in the laptop i use... I escaped windows cuz didnt want to be spied... Im escaping google as much as i can (although this forum has google so you see) Now i have read too much stuff about intel management engine that is present in my laptop that it is backdoor and that is just too much for me..

I have bought this laptop for gaming in mind but the truth is i spent more time linuxing on it that playing games haha (well i browse internet so much these days this is why i read so much about stuff like this). And now i have been thinking about selling this acer that costed new about 500 dollars for 150 pounds just to get some used thinkpad that may get libreboot so it doesnt have any intel management engine. Then install hyperbola on it... And then it's 100% free software...
But then i have got like 30 windows games, and it is possible to compile wine-staging for hyperbola so it can run non-free games but should i be concerned so much about this intel ME thing???
Everybody writes in articles like this is a backdoor and serious threat but why should i be worried so much about this and get rid of this laptop??

I am just curious what opinion you may have on this, and i also like Artix Linux so i am not sure if installing this distribution on 100% free software laptop does make any sense... So if im gonna get rid of this laptop for the libreboot im gonna end up having laptop intel me free but 30 windows games i have will become useless until i get some refurbished PC or keep this acer and get a job to earn money for this libreboot (which is unlikely that's gonna happen though :/).
Please help cuz i have read so much shiet on net about these conspiracy theories i just can't think straight. Everybody says using modern intel laptops is waste of time cuz it's security threat blablabla... :(

Re: Intel ME free software and Artix

Reply #1

There is some crap that is in my head now, basically i have read too much stuff about intel management engine... Well of course it's in the laptop i use... I escaped windows cuz didnt want to be spied... Im escaping google as much as i can (although this forum has google so you see) Now i have read too much stuff about intel management engine that is present in my laptop that it is backdoor and that is just too much for me..

I have bought this laptop for gaming in mind but the truth is i spent more time linuxing on it that playing games haha (well i browse internet so much these days this is why i read so much about stuff like this). And now i have been thinking about selling this acer that costed new about 500 dollars for 150 pounds just to get some used thinkpad that may get libreboot so it doesnt have any intel management engine. Then install hyperbola on it... And then it's 100% free software...
But then i have got like 30 windows games, and it is possible to compile wine-staging for hyperbola so it can run non-free games but should i be concerned so much about this intel ME thing???
Everybody writes in articles like this is a backdoor and serious threat but why should i be worried so much about this and get rid of this laptop??

I am just curious what opinion you may have on this, and i also like Artix Linux so i am not sure if installing this distribution on 100% free software laptop does make any sense... So if im gonna get rid of this laptop for the libreboot im gonna end up having laptop intel me free but 30 windows games i have will become useless until i get some refurbished PC or keep this acer and get a job to earn money for this libreboot (which is unlikely that's gonna happen though :/).
Please help cuz i have read so much shiet on net about these conspiracy theories i just can't think straight. Everybody says using modern intel laptops is waste of time cuz it's security threat blablabla... :(
Just my humble take on these issues......conspiracy theories, in my opinion, are designed to cause you to not think straight. Usually they are based on very little hard evidence, and one has to try to translate that to the "real world" in terms that make sense to the individual.
I don't think the internet now is inherently very "secure", so if a person wants "security", it may be best to avoid it altogether. That may not be a reasonable recourse however, so one can only take whatever precautions seem "reasonable".
I use the internet and my computer to suit my needs while taking what I deem "reasonable" precautions. Beyond that I suppose I would have to just pull the plug on the internet.

Best regards.
We should try to be kind to everyone.....we are all fighting some sort of battle.


Re: Intel ME free software and Artix

Reply #2
That's the point, i read so much stuff about this i can't think straight.

And yeah plugging off the internet is good idea, especially that i have got lots of windows games that run on artix, i have also downloaded patches and cracks for them in the past... they're all on the HDD at the moment. I have lots of games i haven't completed... yet i am thinking about selling this laptop because intel me can get into laptop cuz it has own mac addres and tcp/ip stack, so somebody may get access to the lap;top even when it's not connected to internet  :o  :o  I have read so much crap about this... I don't really want to sell this laptop, but something made me think to sell everything i have for change, not just this laptop but shoes that were 60 pounds new had only once on my foot thinking about selling them for 20 pounds. Let's be minimalist, that's what reading about this shit gave me... Let's get rid of everything i have and let's buy laptop that has libreboot and run 100% free software and become richard stallman worshiper...