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Topic: How to install open-vm-tools? (Read 2489 times) previous topic - next topic
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How to install open-vm-tools?

I decided to install Artix on a VM (VMware Player 15). After installation, I tried to install open-vm-tools, but I face this problem:

Code: [Select]
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
open-vm-tools: /etc/vmware-tools/poweroff-vm-default exists in filesystem
open-vm-tools: /etc/vmware-tools/poweron-vm-default exists in filesystem
open-vm-tools: /etc/vmware-tools/resume-vm-default exists in filesystem
open-vm-tools: /etc/vmware-tools/scripts/vmware/network exists in filesystem
open-vm-tools: /etc/vmware-tools/statechange.subr exists in filesystem
open-vm-tools: /etc/vmware-tools/suspend-vm-default exists in filesystem
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

Anyone has experience with installing Artix on a VM before? Do you face the same issue? If so, how do you resolve it?
You shouldn't listen to my advice anyways

Re: How to install open-vm-tools?

Reply #1
After searching the Internet for a while, I found a solution (Although it installs VMware Tools instead of open-vm-tools, they should work the same):

1. Mount the vmware tools CD from your host (eg. Install VMware Tools button)
2. Mount the CD in your guest
Code: [Select]
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt  # or somewhere else, if that folder is already mounted or something
3. Copy the whatever tar.gz file in the mounted CD to somewhere and untar
Code: [Select]
cd /mnt  # or that somewhere else I was talking about
cp VMware*.tar.gz /tmp  # shell expansion ftw
cd /tmp
tar -xvf VMware*.tar.gz
4. Make dummy init.d folders
Code: [Select]
for i in {0..6}; do mkdir -p "/etc/init.d/rc${i}.d"; done
5. actually install the thing
Code: [Select]
cd /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib
perl -d # omit the -d if you want interactive config, -d assumes default values
6. Now the important part. Make /etc/rc.local and run vmware-tools from there
Code: [Select]
echo "/etc/init.d/vmware-tools start" > /etc/rc.local  # or your favorite editor to insert that line
chmod +x rc.local  # if you already have this file, this can be optional. Just make sure file is executable
7. Do something else more productive
Code: [Select]
sudo reboot

The video source
Hope this might help someone.
You shouldn't listen to my advice anyways

Re: How to install open-vm-tools?

Reply #2
Just got vmtools working on a base-openrc install(I think) and had a completely different experience, I'd like to share here.

1. Enable arch repos
2. install "open-vm-tools" from the community repo
sudo pacman -S open-vm-tools
3. write a simple openrc start script
sudo vim /etc/init.d/vmtoolsd


4. add executable flag
sudo chmod a+x /etc/init.d/vmtoolsd
5. add service to the default runlevel
sudo rc-update add vmtoolsd default

As far as I can see, it is working.
as always, correct me if I'm wrong ;)